For those who want to move to a MMJ state


Well-Known Member
This thread is dedicated for those who want to move to a Medical Marijuana state. You can ask any question pertaining to moving to another state.


Well-Known Member
I am looking to move to a state close to missouri. I want a state that will prescrbie me marijuana for my ADHD. I gotta live someplace close to a college so I can finish up on my Bachelors Degree. Its also gotta be affordable for a low income person.

Any Sugestions?


Well-Known Member
what's the best way to feel your doctor out on the issue? i've been with my current doctor a long time now, and we're on a solid first-name basis when i'm in the clinic.

i'm nervous that he might think i'm a dope head and maybe doesn't know how healing the stuff can be (i'm a chronic migraine sufferer)

and tips?
Just tell him you smoke pot occasionally to sooth your migraines and that it helps you a lot. I don't think they can even tell the cops cuz of doctor-patient confidentiality.