Forbes; Booming Pot Industry Is Draining the U.S. Energy Supply

Should something be done to encourage the marijuana industry to be more energy efficient?

  • Yes, tax excessive power use

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Yes, subsidize the purchase of efficient equipment

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • No, there's enough industry regulation already!

    Votes: 28 50.0%

  • Total voters
How much power would a 2'x3' panel be able to produce during peak hours and a clear sky? What is 2592SI?
It is not that simple. Panel construction type of emitters, etc. 3M makes panels. You can check out panels by demand loading and go from there. After a panel, you need a power wall or some form of system to transfer power to/from grid. these usually run $3-7K. Some panels heat water, and collect energy. there is also new technology out that uses clear plastics to collect energy. Imagine a window you can look through and that is a solar panel too. A window is already a solar collector for heat, two way action. Why not light too. peace
They don't subsidze shit here. you get the meter and that's it. It now costs about $1100 to bring power to a home here from the road, IF its 100" or less..
I lived 3000' from the main road. I was told ( in 2000 ) that it would cost $28,000 to $32,000 to bring in power...... so i figured they really meant $40,000. I did my homework and spent $16,000 on a solar system and installed it and wired my house myself.

You know what was the crowing moment of that decision? It was about a year later when a meter reader happened to wander down my ( private ) road. I saw him outside so, playing dumb, I asked him: " what are you doing?" he replied: "looking for your meter, where is is?" I said: " Look at the roof dumbass!"as I pointed to my solar panels............. the look on his face was priceless!

I designed solar systems for residential and commercial facilities,before I retired. thanks for the insight. Solar is still cheaper up front cost. Ths difference is the Utility Company subsidizes the cost, just like cell phone providers subsidize costs for customers. Average cost for a residential cost to the utility Company over $5,000. You pay $0. priceless. The Gas Company will come along behind the Electric Company and subsidize your energy usage with gas systems, and subsidize that too. average solar installation is equal to or less than normal; power install. Approach rhe situation as if you had no power and had to pay for pole, transformer, line, service, and meter. That cost is about $10K. Solar runs about $10K and up. Tesla is going to give away the solar wall just to bankrupt the the electric monopoly. Sunlight is still free last time I checked along with air. I have installed solar on a RV and it collected so much energy, I had to hook up a fan to come on to release excess energy that could not be stored in the four deep cycle marine batteries. Great for camping in th mountains, when that diesel will not start in the cold morning, the batteries warm up the motor and off you go. enjoy.
in 2000, panels were rate at 24 volts, 75 watts ( peak ). You can now find panels approaching the 300 watt mark and running higher voltages. One 75 watt panel cost me $350. You can buy a 275 watt panel for that now. Its the inverter and batteries ( in a free standing system ) that kills you money wise.
How much power would a 2'x3' panel be able to produce during peak hours and a clear sky? What is 2592SI?
@pop22 I used to live in SoCal and that was how it was there. They now have a transparent sheet that can be attached to the window and generate electricity. It is only time before we can just put up film and get power. of course there is Tesla too.
grid tied systems are losing appeal as electric companies have been winning the right to not pay you market rate for the power you pump into the system, and they now are winning charges for "special line connections", meaning charge you more for just being connected. stand alone systems are becoming more viable again.
grid tied systems are losing appeal as electric companies have been winning the right to not pay you market rate for the power you pump into the system, and they now are winning charges for "special line connections", meaning charge you more for just being connected. stand alone systems are becoming more viable again.

That's just classic asshole tactics on the part of the utility. No excuse for that kind of behavior, those who dreamed it up and got it passed should be fired for failure to live up to their ethical responsibilities.
That's just classic asshole tactics on the part of the utility. No excuse for that kind of behavior, those who dreamed it up and got it passed should be fired for failure to live up to their ethical responsibilities.

They probably got a raise/promoted for it;-)............what started off as a my $89 xfinity bill has soared to $150 due to fees/boxes/router/etc, classic utility tactics======= welcome to the world of oligopolies
And the politicians that got greased by them......
That's just classic asshole tactics on the part of the utility. No excuse for that kind of behavior, those who dreamed it up and got it passed should be fired for failure to live up to their ethical responsibilities.