Force flower?


hey guys got a few babys growing real well out side they are indoor seeds they are about 2 month old from seed and are 9inch high i am 1 month off the start of summer and they havent shown sex yet i want to put them inside for 12/12 under my cfl's to force flowering. do i have to keep them under 12/12 after showing sex if i want to put them back outside to finish flowering? will this work and here are some pics...>Picture 183.jpgPicture 186.jpgPicture 187.jpg


Well-Known Member
you have to keep the light cycle as close to 12/12 as possible or they will just go back into veg mode. Where do you live? what time is sunrise and sundown?


Well-Known Member
btw, what kind of soil are you using? those things are extremely small for 2 months old.


im using premix potting soil and added 1/5 peat moss 4 days ago to the one in the bigger pot and put it in a larger pot the sun comes up at 6am and sets at 8pm.


so im getting 14 hours of light a day u reckon i should just cut 2 hours of light off them.I only get morning light in my room so i can rob them of 2 hours of light in the afternoon and put them on my bedroom window? so the morning light at 6am will naturally wake them up then i put em outside till 6pm then back inside to sleep????????
i would just keep them outside n let them do their thing or what you could do is when the sun is finnaly gone down far enough so theres no light hitting the plants just put a garbage can over it so its 100% dark but make sure u remove it before the sun hits it the next morning it might die


Active Member
i would just keep them outside n let them do their thing or what you could do is when the sun is finnaly gone down far enough so theres no light hitting the plants just put a garbage can over it so its 100% dark but make sure u remove it before the sun hits it the next morning it might die
Lies...more lies. Its a weed and cant be killed just by covering them and forgetting it for 1 even 2 days.


Well-Known Member
Look into the daily light tables, for your area, and find the approx. date that the daylight drops below 13 hours. Bring your plants inside, about 2 weeks before that date, get the flowering process started, put them outside to continue, then finish. Or, you could just leave 'em outside. At 14 hours of light per day, it won't be long before the photoperiod changes enough to start them flowering, naturally.(about a month, or so)