FORCED EARLY CHOP :( Advice needed ASAP please :(


Pleeeeeeeease advise me ASAP as I have to chop them today due to unforeseen circumstances (stinky bud and nosey neighbours). Regrettably I have 34 plants that will have to come down like a week and 3 or 4 days early :(.

I vegged them for 8 weeks each and they are now like 5ft tall.

they have been in flower for almost 8 full weeks.

They have had round the clock attention and have wanted for nothing lol.

i will be adding photos straight away once I post this thread.

they have roughly 50% brown/orange pistils and the trichs are just starting to turn cloudy (roughly 10%)

however, the calyxes have only just begun to really swell. The smell from them is amazing considering they aren't quite ripe.

Will this turn out alright if I were to dry it and cure it by the conventional means???

i know I will lose a lot of weight and some potency in doing this but I have no choice... It's either prison, or week and a bit early bud.... :(

please assist me and be brutally honest on the predicted/expected outcome



Pic 1 is a lower branch of moby dick

Pic 2 is a cola of moby dick

Pic 3 is a cola of sharks breath

Pic 4 is a cola of sharks breath

Pics 5-8 are colas of critical kush

many thanks to any and all who post or reply to my agonisingly painful thread :( it's a sad day for me as I have funnelled hundreds of man hours and countless amounts of money into my babies.


Charge your phone and then go get a filter and let the damn things finish.

Forgive my shrewdness but if you had read the full original post I made you would see it is not an option... There are 34 plants in 15 litre pots at 5ft tall and 3-5ft wide..... Transporting them is not an option and rehousing them isn't either....

they are looking good considering, but I know they aren't ready, choices and options are something I'm fresh out of...


Charge your phone and then go get a filter and let the damn things finish.
I'm sure you can't do this at this point, but filters are pretty essential. I've never had to chop early, but at this stage I don't think there's sufficient cannabinoid or terpene production. The taste, smell, yield, and potency won't be where or what it should. I don't know how desirable the "high" will be, but I'd imagine if it's anything, it'll be cerebral. Since the terpene production hasn't peaked, I'd imagine it'll taste and smell mostly like vegetation. Since there's no choice, let us know how it turns out. I'd still dry and cure as normal.
All the best,


Active Member
Forgive my shrewdness but if you had read the full original post I made you would see it is not an option... There are 34 plants in 15 litre pots at 5ft tall and 3-5ft wide..... Transporting them is not an option and rehousing them isn't either....

they are looking good considering, but I know they aren't ready, choices and options are something I'm fresh out of...

The fuck would you need to re house them? put a god damn fan and filter in the room.Its been done many times before for areas much bigger.It isnt rocket appliances.


Well-Known Member
You more than 1 week and 3-4 days early, more like 2-3 weeks at least. Your yeild and quality will be impacted. If you cure it well you may be able to re-coupe some of the maturity issues, but it is still very early.


The fuck would you need to re house them? put a god damn fan and filter in the room.Its been done many times before for areas much bigger.It isnt rocket appliances.
I have been using 2 x 6" fans and filters along with like 5 ona gel tubs. I appreciate your help, however I have had a "no-expense spared" setup but the sheer quantity has overwhelmed my grow room and the landlord knows what we are doing here. Sitting it out and letting them finish (regardless of how much I would love to do that) is not an option, I face m door being kicked off by the police and losing it all along with my freedom?!?! Chopping it is my only friggin option at this point in time, I would just like to know if (based on my pictures and info provided) they will be good enough to smoke....


Well-Known Member
if your landlord knows, or you think they know, and it's a bad state to get caught ...
cut now and get that f'ing evidence out of there, this is too much of risk to continue
weed that isn't perfect, is perfect if you're not inside a jail cell


Well-Known Member
If you chop and dump them in the dumpster now, it would be better than meeting up with Bubba.

This is also probably a good place to mention. If you are growing illegally, you are risking going to fucking jail(prison)

If you are renting and doing this, your chances of being caught are exponentially higher.


Active Member
Next time pick a strain that doesn't smell like road killed skunk.

The Berrys are easy to cover smell wise. Fruit scented candles and good ventilation make mine all but unnoticeable.

I don't know what to say...should have known the end result. Bud two ways around it.

If your that paranoid and the law where you live sucks...chop and try to recoup something.

Or do what half the stoners / growers in the US are doing...moving to a state where your not going to end up in jail for growing a harmless weed.

I'm sorry dude, but you should have known before you started.


Well-Known Member
Get off of RIU and clean that area out asap. Someone your landlord is going to tell, and you know he's going to tell someone, will talk him into calling the police. No question about this. Cut them down and throw them away if you dont have a place to dry them. I'd pay him your full rent contract and move. If he seemed really pissed I'd have it done by later tonight. Good luck and I hope you do the right thing.


Well-Known Member
What advice is it you are after anyway? Your already saying your committed to taking them down early, whether the bud will be good or not is anyone's guess, none of us can tell you that. It won't be as good as it could have been, but you know that already. Please though, tell me how you have got 30 plants going for 5 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower and can't go an extra 2 weeks? If someone has caught you doing it and you risk jail, you should have them down right now and in a dumpster far, far away. If not what's the panic? A bit of thought into strain selection for low odour strains would have went a long way with that many plants. Sure kushes are the strain to have , but they stink like a mofo. If your gonna worry about being caught you need to go with a low odour strain or far less plants. 5 weeks veg is also a bit much imo, you can have nice little 3 feet plants with 2-3 weeks veg.. I pity your situation , what a waste, but you should have been smart from the start ,now you need to be smart now and get them out of there.


Well-Known Member
Those look like they at least a month in my opinion. The pistils havent even started to recede. If you've gotta chop you got not no choice.


Well-Known Member
does your landlord know for sure???? if he knows n ur still on here bull shittn he probably doesnt care enough to call the police you pay rent he gets paid unless alot of people complain he wont call the fuzz. hell he maybe a smoker id hold off cutting. what state u in? if its that bad cutting them is just gonna make the smell worse say u u dump all the leaf u still got buds hangin right id talk to him about some bull shit n see if it gets brought up. just my 2cents my land lord came by my house unannounced last year i had 15 big ass plants outside, usually id stash em on the side but he caught me hes an old timer like 70 he looked right at em,starred at em n said huh thats sum garden youve got there is that why u got such a big dog(my pitt her names jane) no joke i thought hed at minimum give me n eviction notice. but he just laughed and we went on talking about the wasp issue in my yard. think it over man think it over
well..if the trichs are only 10% cloudy and 90% clear, you have a lot longer than a week left of flower..probably at least 3 weeks to get mostly cloudy with 20% for you too bro nice lookin flowers..