Forced flowering ?


Well-Known Member
can i force flowering outdoors? How? is there a stealthy way of doing it? and when would be the best time to do it so that it doesn't revert back to veg? by the way, i'm in central US. thanx so much for any help ppl!!!!!


Well-Known Member
cover the plants with a garbage can or a really thick painted plastic so light cant get through. and do it for the number of hours u want, the only bad thing about this is u have to do it everyday at the same time


Well-Known Member
put them in the woods, in good shade; yield will suffer, but they will flower sooner.

there are spots on my property that i can put a plant anytime of the warm season and it will flower. gotta love/hate hills, ya know?


Active Member
It's working for me that way. Imagine a north/south alleyway between two tall buildings. Even though the sun is out for eighteen hours the ground in the alley isn't getting full sun for all that time. I started at the beginning of April outdoors and all my stuff has been flowering since mid-june. The main drawback of this a couple of plants are getting a little stretchy and keeping the dense buds dry during the raniest part of the season to avoid molding up.


Well-Known Member
I put mine in a barn,in a little dark room i maid with tar paper.I get up everyday at 7 am to put them out,then put them back at 7 pm.I hope to have some smoke buy oct 7 thats when I'm chopping unless by some miracle the weather holds off,it has in the past.


Well-Known Member
just to see what sex they are?then put them back into veg??I don't see that being a prob but I'm no pro...yet!! lol


Well-Known Member
i have done the same thing as KP. mine are in the bush and like KP said i will not get a big yeld as i would in the sun but at lest they will be done before the frost i hop. they do get 4 hours of strait sun tho


Well-Known Member
that will take many weeks, probably a month or so and probably cause undue stress, your probably better off just waiting a week or two for it to flower on it's own.


Well-Known Member
I've personally never seen any sings of stress by force flowering,I actually think they look better once forced into flower,buds forming everywhere smells starting to get stronger.after about 5 days in to 12\12 buds will start to form rapidly.thats my experience anyways.i go from 7am to 7 pm works every year no matter where I am in the country.I've see this done in 3 provinces and done it my self in two!!up in Canada we don't have long enough season so we have to force flower to get max results.