Forced Flowering


Active Member
ok... heres the thing im getting ready to start my plants indoors here within a few weeks. Im planning on putting out at least 4 different plots of about 15-25 plants each outside..
1 of the plots i was gonna leave indoors for a few more weeks to force flower, and then put them outside so i can get a little bit of a early harvest.
know that the bud wont be as potent and the yield wont be nearly as much, all i want to do is to get a little early bud to have you know what i mean.


Sector 5 Moderator
This doesn't make sense. You're going to get a head start, check. You're going to flower them outside, gotcha. You are expecting an early harvest? If you keep them in say 18/6 now and put them outside after the threat of frost, they will continue to veg until the fall equinox and light gets to be 12/12. It is at that point they switch over to flowering. As long as they are getting more than 12 hours of daylight they are not going to flower.