Forest OG Guerilla Grow Update

So this is my OG Kush Guerilla grow outdoors. There's 37 plants out there already, and the other 10 have yet to be moved to that spot. So, in total there's 47 of them.


What you all think? Anything you want to see in particular at all? Questions/comments/opinions?
Good job man, have not seen the other videos youve put up but I love the idea of a guerilla op. Im doing something like this too, but im around toronto so you can imagine its going to be alot more difficult. Go get that water for sure a few plants are looking parched, also theres a few leaves that are completely yellow or tinted, Are these dead nutrient deficient? good job overall


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice patch. But yeah, should def be praying for rain soon (and often). Otherwise, you 'll be lugging around a lot of water this summer.

Very promising, though...I'll be looking forward to seeing this one progress.

What size grow bags are those? And, are they the same bags that you'll be flowering 'em in? They look kinda small.

I'm getting ready to put some plants out around my area very soon, that's why I'm wondering about the size. I think I've pretty much decided on 5-gal bags


Well-Known Member
Dude, you might wanna think about just lugging a kiddie pool out there, inflating that shit, and capturing the rain. What the hell are you gonna do in a month when it's really freaking hot, your plants are way bigger, and need about 10 x the water they need now? Haha...yeah, if you get rain out there, you should think about setting up some reservoir's to catch the rain to help out on water.
Good job man, have not seen the other videos youve put up but I love the idea of a guerilla op. Im doing something like this too, but im around toronto so you can imagine its going to be alot more difficult. Go get that water for sure a few plants are looking parched, also theres a few leaves that are completely yellow or tinted, Are these dead nutrient deficient? good job overall
Thanks man! YEAH I love it too haha. Is it just due to the population amount in the general area you're referring to, or the climate in Toronto? Cause if it's the climate, I actually have it worse where I am. I'm in Canada myself as well. And yeah the few leaves that are like that I believe were just both lack of water and nutrients. That first patch where I had the plants was actually in direct sunlight like all day, so if there was enough water they'd have been all good but a couple hot days with no rain dried 'em out; especially if you compare that patch to the other 2.

I definitely have my work cut out for me though! :P I gotta get some tools out there. Everything there was basically done with my feet, and a bit with my hands. Unfortunately the thistles had some poison in them and totally numbed my hands after attempting that, so it took a while to get everything as is. But once I get some tools in there and a reservoir things should be SO much easier for me. Once it gets to mid-end July everything should be absolutely perfectly set up. I get paid tomorrow, and then again 14 days after so that will REALLY help with things. ;)
Looks like a nice patch. But yeah, should def be praying for rain soon (and often). Otherwise, you 'll be lugging around a lot of water this summer.

Very promising, though...I'll be looking forward to seeing this one progress.

What size grow bags are those? And, are they the same bags that you'll be flowering 'em in? They look kinda small.

I'm getting ready to put some plants out around my area very soon, that's why I'm wondering about the size. I think I've pretty much decided on 5-gal bags
Yeah, I was pretty happy when we got a storm last night. It looks like there will be one again tonight. For some reason this year it's actually been a lot more rainier than in previous years. It's a great thing, as it means I won't have to worry about watering them AS often. And yeah they're in 1-gallon grow bags at the moment. I need to transplant them ASAP, but I might have to wait 2 more weeks to do all of them as I might not be able to afford enough pro-mix hp soil for them all from my next paycheque. I can see a bit of roots coming out the bottom drainage holes on most of them. I won't be keeping them in these bags, I actually plan on putting them in way larger bags, and then I'll be fine for a little bit, and in the meantime I'll be racking up money for soil.

I'll then buy a ton of bails of pro-mix and then dig holes for each plant, slash the bottom off the plastic grow bags, and then carefully transplant them in their respective holes to avoid any transplant shock. By doing this I ensure they not only get a ton of room for the root system to grow, but it would be basically all within the proper soil and not the shitty stuff in the forest. I'm definitely going to be releasing videos on a more regular basis, too. :)
Dude, you might wanna think about just lugging a kiddie pool out there, inflating that shit, and capturing the rain. What the hell are you gonna do in a month when it's really freaking hot, your plants are way bigger, and need about 10 x the water they need now? Haha...yeah, if you get rain out there, you should think about setting up some reservoir's to catch the rain to help out on water.
Funny you say that. That was actually my plan. This was the best area to grow in, I didn't really have any options near a water source or anything. My plan was to dig a massive freaking hole or 2, and then use like special plastic sheeting and then basically make a massive capture. The reason I've had difficulty watering them is also partly because I don't want to throw the ph off. I don't have much to change the ph of my water on hand, and the regular water here is a bit too high for the plants (no pun intended lol).

But from capturing rain water, it would provide a source close to the plants, and I could use it alongside a few 23 gallon buckets I'm putting out there to transfer to the plants right near it so I can mix it with fertilizer and feed them. It would probably also be easier to use plastic sheeting as opposed to like a kiddie pool as it would be both cheaper and easier and less peculiar t onlookers seeing somebody with a backpack as opposed to a kiddie pool walking into a forest. I could do it at night, but plastic sheeting's easier lol.

**P.S. Just thought I'd split these replies into 3 posts instead of 1 massive one lol.


Well-Known Member
Looking nice man, get a back pack, a few gallon jugs, mix some water and nutes and get out there, good luck man and check out my grow if you want, peace.

cary schellie

Active Member
kiddie pool or how we used to do, place some rubbermaid trash cans around the area to collect rain, be careful and good luck


Active Member
so u walked out there to film and did not bring any water for the ladies wtf is wrong with u. just hazin u a bit have a good 1 and always bring water to the site even if there plenty ull need it eventully always bring wate with u to the site always, when u go to the site bring water no mater what.


Well-Known Member
kiddie pool or how we used to do, place some rubbermaid trash cans around the area to collect rain, be careful and good luck
You sure thats a good idea? I thought the point of a guerilla grow was to remain hidden, kiddie pool's and trash cans attract attention which isn't good.
You sound like a man with a plan. Keep us updated.
Thanks man, will do. Within 1 or 2 days I'm putting another video up.

Looking nice man, get a back pack, a few gallon jugs, mix some water and nutes and get out there, good luck man and check out my grow if you want, peace.
Thanks man. I'm getting things fertilized tomorrow since I got paid today and can now buy the equipment to set the right PH on my water, etc. Thanks for the comments and I'll definitely check out your grow. I need to sleep first though, it's 3AM, and I'm getting up at 7:30.

so u walked out there to film and did not bring any water for the ladies wtf is wrong with u. just hazin u a bit have a good 1 and always bring water to the site even if there plenty ull need it eventully always bring wate with u to the site always, when u go to the site bring water no mater what.
Haha I know trust me. The problem was I biked out to it, and I was out of money and couldn't buy any water. No worries though, it rained the past couple days. I'm fertilizing it today, as I also got paid and so can buy the ph meter I need. Any of the off colours are just deficiencies, really. But yeah I'm pretty excited to get this going.
good man ladies first
Yep! :) And good news man, it rained all of last night and is all of today, and is forecast for the entire week. They're all going to get all the water they need. And I'm going to put a few 23 gallon buckets out there at first then try to build my reservoir this week. Then it should be able to collect a bunch of rain water which should definitely help as the main water here needs ph buffer which is too much of a pain for me at the moment to bring that all out to the site while being discrete.