Forever 90 to 95 degrees


Active Member
Hello, i have a small room that cannot be air conditioned and because i live in a hot climate, even running the room at night gets me a max temp of 92 degrees. i was going to use CO2 to allow higher temps but i'm reading now that CO2 in small spaces sucks because the plants grow too fast. i was wondering if there was any happy medium i could find. a lower ppm on the CO2 so temps can be higher and yield can be a little larger but not too much CO2 so things don't over grow the room. my space for flower is 3x4x6 with a 400 watt HPS, 6" air cooled hood.


my suggestion is to leave it at 92 (that's really not too high) actually it might make them grow better, since the molecules move faster in higher temps...then, since you're height restricted...SCROG it!
read some of the posts, they'll explain how it works in it..really efficient! and for heat, maybe return that 400w, and (maybe) get a 400w with an air duct...High Tech Garden Supply ! that reflector also has the glass shield on it, so the fan in it won't blow away your CO2! hope that helps!:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
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Well-Known Member
CO2 doesn't suck for small places. Growth is what you want. You may just need to do a little manipulation. I think CO2 is a great option for you. I actually prefer temps of 95 for CO2 based on past experiences. Are you using a cooltube or just a sealed hood? What type of fan are you using to exhaust the cooltube. Are you exchanging the air often? What is the temp of the air you are sending into the room(could be changed if it is cooler outside or your house at night)?

If you look at the last few posts in my cab build you will see how i calculated CO2 wasteage for a similar size grow. CO2 would be about a $700 investment to do right though. The CO2 itself is cheappp...

Why can't you use AC in a hot climate?

Hate to ask you so many questions but if ask half ass questions, you usually get wrong or half ass answers. There are alot of variables to consider...
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Active Member
i have an air cooled (6") hood with a 6" Eco Plus fan pulling air through the light. it's sealed with glass and tape and it's air tight. I can't use air cond. because there is no room in my tiny room. i have an air cond. outside the small room (total size 3.5'X7'X8') but that doesn't help.

for air exchange, i have installed a rectangular register in the wall between my small room and my main apt. i have a split after the register and half of the 14"X7" opening goes to the 400 HPS drawn by a 6" Eco plus fan (440cfm). the other half goes through a back draft damper, then a suncourt 6" fan (180cfm). That fan turns on when my Eco Plus 4" fan turns on to send air out of my room. I'm using a timer in my tests that turns on the ventilation for half an hour every two hours. half hour on, 1.5 hours off. Unfortunately, and I've discovered that the suncourt 6" fan is not pulling any air even though it's on. the suncourt is running but it's only 180cfm's and the Eco is 440cfm so i assume it's being over powered. The suncourt says it's 300cfm but then you find out that's only if you are using it as a "booster". not sure how to deal with this problem because i can't cut any more holes in my apartment. oh, the suncourt blows tons of air when the 6" Eco is off. The only other inlet is a 4" computer fan pulling through a 4" duct opening.

thanks for the help.

damn dude well glad to know you know what you're doing..."squirrel cage" fans are supposed to be really good for moving can attach a cylindrical AC ventilation tubing to it and link it off from your main AC so it delivers some cold air to it...don't really know what else to suggest...i'm sure someone on this site has some good ideas though!...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the detail.. i tried drawing it out but couldn't based on your description. Best of luck...

But, If you are pulling in cool air then the fan config is definitely the issue. I have a 600 in 2 x 3 x 6.5 and can keep it 91 max with no exhaust cycles. With exhaust cycles i keep it 3 degrees above my intake air.
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Active Member
i have a similar problem... most of the time my temp stays about an average of 75 but high noon i turn my light off, and the ventilation on, but still it tends to reach in excess of 90 degrees


Active Member
get a small rotating fan with an ion centrifuge. Lasko makes a good one. It will keep the temp cool and deliver clean air. as well it will fit in a corner in your room.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you put alot of effort into that, good job. It should make the setup later much easier.

As for the fan question, I am not a HVAC specialist so I cannot assist you with the engineering side of it beyond basic principals. Sorry.

Good luck, you are on the right track.


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem day i got 99F...i got panic...but i have see in my closet not got to much fresh air...and then i fot one fan 100mm, for suck fron outside fresh air in, and one fan 125mm for suck out..
And work fine now i got...85F when is like 28degres outside...and in the nigth i got 82F....
Sool make this put more air inside....fresh....Is gonna help...


Well-Known Member
Medical wow...ty for the illustrtaion. I think this is way more complicated than it has to be.

If I am loking at it correctly you only have 1 4" intake that comes into the room that is probably working. It seems that the large rectagular vent intake would all be immediately removed from the room via the light exhaust. I don't think the suncourt will help. It appears that the large fan is "fighting" the flow of your suncourts used for the intake of the Y. It sounds like it is winning too.

Why not just use air from in the room to cool the light if you arent concerned with smell(I don't see a carbon filter)? Then that entire register can be used as a passive intake...

Or if you are using a filter, use the big fan for the scrubber and use the suncourt(s) for just the light. Create a new intake for the light.

I feel you can boost you cfms by simplicity over crappy booster fans. Best of luck bud...
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Well-Known Member
it owuld seem that the temperature you are always at is WAY TOO HOT/HUMID for growing lovlies... sorry bro :-\


Well-Known Member
here's a drawing. Can anyone tell me if i added another suncourt after the first one if that would double the cfms? thanks
the first thing i see here is your air movement is going in the wrong want to pull air in from the bottom of the cab to get cooler fresher air...and pull from the top of the cab where the warm stale air risses to...the other problem is the weak fans you have pulling through all those twists and want to have as few turns and bends as not sure on the math to figure the loss for every turn but if you ask enough on here, someone will know it...thats my opinion...but hot air risses and cool air stays low is a fact....


Well-Known Member
Im thinking thats a drawing of the view from the top fury, not from the front....I hope
haahaaa....i think your really lost looks like he is dumping the venting the stale air from the mother room into is flower room...wouldnt this contribute to the bad venting also...if your dumping stale, warm air into the room you would have to speed up your air exchange wouldnt you?


Active Member
No way man. I use a LASKO stand up rotating Ion centrifuge and it keep the place fairly cool and clean. HOwever i do have a 6 inch fan for my carbon filter that I run through the light so that might be what helps to keep the place cool as well. Either way it will make it cooler than 90.