Forgot to soak rock wool!


So my seedlings were doing well and I decided to move the 1 inch rock wool plugs into my 4x4 rock wool cubes. Now it is 36 hours later and I realized that I forgot to soak the 4x4 cubes in 5.5 ph water. Would it be easier on the plants to pull out the plugs and soak the cubes or just water with 5.5-6.0 ph water for a couple waterings?


Active Member
Shouldnt be to much of an issue, what I would do is just give them a good watering for the first two or three times, with good PH water which you should always be using anyway. They'll be fine


Shouldnt be to much of an issue, what I would do is just give them a good watering for the first two or three times, with good PH water which you should always be using anyway. They'll be fine
Thanks for the reply. I will probably thoroughly water the 4x4 cubes with 6.0 ph water the first time and follow up with 6.5 ph water thereafter.


This is my first grow. I guess I got excited about moving them to their permanent home and rushed it.


Well-Known Member
So my seedlings were doing well and I decided to move the 1 inch rock wool plugs into my 4x4 rock wool cubes. Now it is 36 hours later and I realized that I forgot to soak the 4x4 cubes in 5.5 ph water. Would it be easier on the plants to pull out the plugs and soak the cubes or just water with 5.5-6.0 ph water for a couple waterings?

lol..chill dude, just carry on as if you did soak them, i never rins them at all ;-)