Former Pot Smoker Sarah Palin Has Enlightened AttitudeTowards Weed


Active Member
"If somebody's gonna smoke a joint in their house and not do anybody any harm, then perhaps there are other things our cops should be looking at to engage in and try to clean up some of the other problems we have in society."
- Former pot smoker Sarah Palin

I usually quote Sarah Palin in an attempt to get a few chuckles out of my liberal readers. In every Palin speech there's always at least one or two sound bites that are guaranteed to make intelligent folks laugh in disbelief.

I wish more conservatives would embrace Palin's Laissez-faire attitude towards the recreational use of marijuana. For once I find myself on the same side of an issue as Palin.

Although I would go much further and call for the legalization of marijuana, why should there be prohibitions against using a natural herb with many therapeutic benefits and almost no bad side effects?

"Palin told the Anchorage Daily News in 2006 that she smoked marijuana when it was legal in Alaska but didn't enjoy the experience."
Palin seems to be channeling Bill 'I didn't inhale' Clinton. How about a little honesty? Why can't Palin confess: Yeah dude, I used to smoke me some weed when it was legal, and I love smoking a joint almost as much as I enjoy having sex with my hunky husband!

If Palin were still smoking weed she wouldn't be so uptight, and she would stop making inflammatory statements. Somebody needs to give girlfriend some choice product.

News Forum:
Source: NewsBlaze
Author: Robert Paul Reyes
Contact: NewsBlaze
Copyright: 2010 NewsBlaze LLC
twas a sad day that i read about her saying this stuff. felt worse than the time i agreed with Glenn Beck....
Weed is for everyone, not just us potheads, but doesnt suprise me shes the kind of person who would of done it, I mean honestly who hasn't at least once in their lives today?
actually it says nothing about the states, because the person with the most votes does not always win. the person the banks want you to think had the most votes will always win..
Please dont incourage that ditsy Highly "boneable" broad cause this will discredit MJ with the non smoking Democrats old repulicans love her cause she work better then viagra once she goes into speech mode and I also for the record......... i would froggy fuck sara palin in the ass all night... eat a sandwich of breakfast proportions and then... i would froggy fuck sara palin in the ass all day...
I've said it all along, the Tea Party is our friend! Look at all the talking heads on Fox news standing up for MMJ. S