If you would like to help by moderating a forum, please post here and tell us how you would make a good mod, and why you want to be one. We will choose some worthy candidates, and you will be given access to the Staff Forum where you will be able to discuss your new duties. We are planning on starting Sept 1st with the first of the new Rollitup Forum Mods.
I am Marlboro47 (I'd rather not use my real name on riu),
of mine updating and if I start putting guides out Ill be updating them with new grow/guide pictures. I am a worthy conidate for being a riu moderator because I deserve the title of being the most reputable when it comes to my posts, rarely do I misguide or allow something that I say to become too out of hand. I love to joke around so youl'll probably catch me when Im being an idiot. My post are low, but Im sure they will go up the roof if I become a mod. I enjoy helping people when it comes to marijuana problems, even if its something I just learned ill try to spread it around to share some tips.. Im usually on 9pm-4am (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)(not only on rui, Ill check posts). Also really like to fix my mistakes, so you'll probably see posts of mine updating as time goes by. New grows/new guide pictures attached to the same forum so I can have something stickied

Im not planning to go around telling people to shut up or stop being rude, because I know that people disagree me jumping in the middle won't solve anything. So ill probably try to solve something to settle an argument or stay out of it and wait for them to break the terms of agreement. Then Ill follow whatever proto calls you have for breaking the terms of agreement.
Don't wanna hit you guys with a wall of text, so Ill just shortern this out to I have aot of energy

its a good thing, im fresh and young and medicated as fuck.