found 27 plants.. what kind are they should i re pot?

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i found 27 plants. they were probubly put there in may so they are probuby about 3 months old. i normaly wouldnt take them but they are still in styrofoam cups! i had to do something.. anywyas they are about 2 - 2 and half feet tall. and there are about 3 or 4 stems coming out of the cup and the stem dvides alot to other stems but the stems arnt long with not to many leaves and buds developing with white hairs. stems are pretty thick and really bushy plants... if u look at the top u can see a bud developing with little white hairs on all the plants.. i have about 2 months left before frost.. i know i should put them in a bigger pot.. do you think a 2litre pop bottle would maybe do the trick? also i have about 10 1 cubic foot holes dug. what soil should i use? thanks


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks for who ever owned them.. and rlly mean of u.. i hope they all die on u.. or who ever they where i hope ur in a state where guns are legal and so was his weed and he comes and kills u.. i rlly do.. thats the crulist thin u can do.. steel all of someones plants


Well-Known Member
Are they in tiny ass styrofoam cups? Where'd you find them?
yea repot... and how the hell did they not fall over and die? were the cups buried in the ground or somethin?

Either put them in 3-5 gallon pots or plant in the ground.


Well-Known Member
yea, and somethin doesn't match up. Probably stole them from someone's house. Cus I don't see how they could have grown to 2 ft outdoors in styrofoam cups and not have fallen over and died or dried out. 2 ft plants in styrofoam cups would have to be watered multiple times throughout the day.


Active Member
Just remember Karma comes back to you. If you did steal them then I hope you have the moral fiber to go and put them back. That might be medicine for a cancer patient. Just put in the work and grow your own.

Peace and positive energy to you.



Active Member

2' - 2 1/2'

in styrofoam cups

and huge

hmmmm.....if that is case, the owner had to have been hanging out and drip feeding them manually several times a day or something, otherwise it just doesn't add up

if you actually jacked some poor fool, i don't feel bad for you when it all comes back to bite you in the ass
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