Found a Baby Deer


Well-Known Member
Some of you might know what I do for a living from my grow journal but for those of you that don't, I pick up roadkill(deer) for a living. I had to respond to a report yesterday afternoon and found a newly born baby fawn, sadly I also had to pick up it's mother.

I've been feeding it milk replacer for the last day and it seems to be drinking better with every feeding. Hopefully I'll be able keep it alive and healthy and eventually return her to the wild or keep it as a pet.

Here's a few pics of her with one of my barn cats that slept next to her last night.




Well-Known Member
That's awesome. Terrible circumstances to find a baby deer but pretty bad ass of you to take it on. I kinda wish I had a baby deer or squirrel to nurse back to health.


Active Member
Awwwww, that is too sweet for words.

GL with the baby. You really have to keep an eye on them, as they are vulnerable to every predator known to roam.


Well-Known Member
I have to feed it every few hours, my family said they're surprised it's even made it this long. First few feedings where uncomfortable for it but it's doing good now.

I had it out in the yard today and it was following me and my dog around, it actually tried feeding on my dog, a 200 lb mastiff.


Active Member
Get thee to Google....maybe look up what kind of milk they need. Since you seem to be animal savvy....have you ventured a guess as to how old he/she is? Doesn't look much more than a few days to me.
Doesn't your employer have any resources you can learn from? I would imagine this isn't an infrequent occurance...
Best of luck to you. I've had friends who raised fawns before. They lost one to coyotes, the other....I think they still have...on a farm in Texas.


Well-Known Member
That's cool man. I wish the both of you luck. Deer are cool creatures. We have ALOT of white tails around here. They're always cutting through the yard.



Well-Known Member
Any agency around here will just dispatch her, that's standard procedure.

I have a small hobby farm and everything to care for her, her will to survive is what needs to be strong.

And at a guess, it was born within 2 hrs of the accident.


Active Member
Some of you might know what I do for a living from my grow journal but for those of you that don't, I pick up roadkill(deer) for a living. I had to respond to a report yesterday afternoon and found a newly born baby fawn, sadly I also had to pick up it's mother.

I've been feeding it milk replacer for the last day and it seems to be drinking better with every feeding. Hopefully I'll be able keep it alive and healthy and eventually return her to the wild or keep it as a pet.

Here's a few pics of her with one of my barn cats that slept next to her last night.

Kudos man, doin the right thing. Maybe Bambi would like trim or nug? :D


Well-Known Member
Ah, you have it covered. Sorry I didn't see/remember you first said it was a 'her'. :blsmoke:
Yep, it is a her, at least till I know it's going to make it. Then maybe a name.
Kudos man, doin the right thing. Maybe Bambi would like trim or nug? :D
Lol, I wonder what a deer experiences when it eats shrooms.

Edit: I don't plan on feeding it mushrooms, they eat them in the wild.


Well-Known Member
You know you will have to keep it, you let it loose and it will walk up to the first hunter. I live in the country with a bunch of transplanted city people who think animals are sweet and nice bla bla bla, in reality it's a death sentence any way you cut it. You are lucky you have a place to keep it and big ups to you, too much killing for no reason. Positive vibes your way


Well-Known Member
nice pictures i see that your cats like's the deer thats kind of funny :) lol they all get along they are probably interested in what it is lol


Active Member
When I was about 12 we had a fawn that dad brought in from the hay field. He had accidently killed the mother. Being that we milked cows, the fawn took to cows milk no problem.

My dog and him were best friends, they would take turns chasing each other. Buttons was his name and he loved hard candy.

But as he got older, when he would want to play he would rear up on his hind legs and swing his hoofs.

One day the game warden stopped by and said he heard we had a pet deer. He was nice about it and said I don't want any complaints when this deer gets horns and starts charging.

As the story goes Dad said one morning he seen it run off with some other deer. "But that is the same thing he said about my dog too"

It was fun and a great learning experience, but I would never advice anybody to do it.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
awhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cute little animals

this is what i like seeing on RIU when I'm baked :lol: :lol:

your the man 420god!!