Found a bagseed to grow or not?


Well-Known Member
Ok as the title says found a seed in a bag of weed i do not know the strain but the weed is pretty ok. So to grow or not20210121_081855.jpg
sorry...that's a no, just telling you to follow your own bad advice to folks.
That's generally a real bad idea. +90% chance that is hermie seed from stress.
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Very true from both of you. Can ya actually grow a male seed if ya wanted to what would be the outcome?
For me, if it is actually a seed you pulled from a bud, then I would say go for it, if that is all you have, but I personal don't like seeds that are not marbleized. Yeah, if they don't have any defining character to them, in the trash they go!
Personally I wouldn't bother you could waste 3/4 months to just be disappointed along with the wasted electric nutes etc.
If you really want to grow cannabis, like you really do. Then you should.
I think bagseed is the perfect way to start out and make sure you at least can keep a plant alive and know what you are doing before purchasing better seeds or cuts.
Just do it with an understanding of this is to learn. Then you could choose whether to buy seeds and do a better crop.
Although don't know if that seed will sprout or not
If it was from good stuff, go ahead and grow it.
I have two strains of bag seed, I'm not sure what they are, but they both express very different and distinct traits, and they both generally give me three to five seeds per plant every grow.
I've been growing them three years in a row now.

I call one red, because it has striking red stems even up into the veins of the leaf, and I call one Christmas tree because it smells like a Christmas tree, extremely strong pine scent.