found a huge patch of weed, but lots of police activity


New Member
Every one of you WANKS that thinks it's okay to "lift" a few pieces here and there..... would FLIP OUT if you had a grow and when you went back, a bunch of your plants were clipped back.

So you go through today, someone else next week, and so on... where does it end?

It's thievery, pure and simple, unless you ask permission.

By your very presence, you put someone else's grow at risk. The best thing to do is simply move on and keep your mouth shut.

It's called being a mature human being.


Well-Known Member
Every one of you WANKS that thinks it's okay to "lift" a few pieces here and there..... would FLIP OUT if you had a grow and when you went back, a bunch of your plants were clipped back.

So you go through today, someone else next week, and so on... where does it end?

It's thievery, pure and simple, unless you ask permission.

By your very presence, you put someone else's grow at risk. The best thing to do is simply move on and keep your mouth shut.

It's called being a mature human being.
well this wank says that i would neither be dumb enough nor immature enough to plant my shit in such a public place nor would i steal anyone elses just sayin u cant plant in a public park then expect anyone to not take it


Active Member
leave it alone what if it was your garden.
nobody would be in my garden cause it is in a very private place where i know no one is aloud or will go in ... thats y i planted there......and thats y i dont plant on public property where pepole would go and if some one did come around and take a few bud i would have no problem.. its better than my hole crop or my 300 dollar tree stand right down the trail... 75 percent of the pot heads out there would rip your crop in a heart beat .. and then that 10 percent that would just take a sample im not talking about 5 or 6 nugs ...all i would take is just one .. and then the 15 percent that grow there own and have no need to take a sample .. so the point is u plant on public property u take the risk ...


ive had plants stolen from me before and it is a VERY shitty feeling. thats enough to want to hurt someone by itself. i really see it like this though; can you really be that mad if it does get stolen? thats what makes it fun in its own way because youre trying to see if you can make it to the end with all the challenges from nature and stuff like this. if you get jacked, as frustrating as it is, you know that you have to tighten up your gameplan for the next go round so it doesnt happen again. now if you catch them......thats another story. like the guy who said the comment about the middle east, theft of someones property warrants retaliation in some way pretty much everywhere. you cant exactly call the cops in this situation so why not take it into your own hands?


Well-Known Member
leave it alone its called a gorilla grow for all you people talking about public property. Its not your bud leave it. Grow your own bud.


Well-Known Member
lol if it was me i would load up on clones from them females if some one sees just book it but do it early or real late join the movement over grow the government and spread the strains around
Grab clones, and samples.:joint: and pics!


Active Member
with all the cheap game cameras on the market i cant be leave u thieves are not worried about risking your lives for a few free clones.
im all done with this thread after this post ... what the hell is a game camera gonna do to me .. ill pose all day for it .. and they are not cheap my friend and if u do get the cheapos they work like shit trust me im an avid hunter ive used many .. well good day everyone


New Member
nobody would be in my garden cause it is in a very private place where i know no one is aloud or will go in ... thats y i planted there......and thats y i dont plant on public property where pepole would go and if some one did come around and take a few bud i would have no problem.

Listen to the stupidity.....

Using this analogy i can expect to park my car near this morons house and have my tires taken. I should know better than to leave my car in public. Anything in public is UP FOR GRABS!!!

Thieves are the lowest form of human being. Congratulations......


New Member
As i have posted before, im leaving it alone, just when yo see a nice plant like this youd like to atleast keep it going, but i dont want to get busted for it or really piss someone off.