Found a wild crop in my woods behind my house...would you smoke it?

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
lol @ no camera, but knows someone who does, then backtracks and says pics will come later on in flowering! the fucking things are in your backyard (allegedly) sipping on your shit and piss, not a 10 mile hike through the woods! *here's where he finds a pic online and just posts it saying it's his*

game/set/match - chingon


Well-Known Member
You pansy liyn sac of terds. Your wasting time. Prove your not a liar. [Take pics liar]
Yep. Let's get a pic of your backyard nuggets... if you have any.

And if you're not BSing the reason it's not tasting good and not smoking too well is probably a combination of 2 things.

1. I bet its not fully mature yet.
2. You didn't cure it. Let it dry overnight? Cure your bud, and you can find guides on here how to do it right. Drying it overnight isnt curing it. I would write some tips but I'm not wasting time cuz I think your post is bogus since you can't seem to provide pics.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Let's get a pic of your backyard nuggets... if you have any.

And if you're not BSing the reason it's not tasting good and not smoking too well is probably a combination of 2 things.

1. I bet its not fully mature yet.
2. You didn't cure it. Let it dry overnight? Cure your bud, and you can find guides on here how to do it right. Drying it overnight isnt curing it. I would write some tips but I'm not wasting time cuz I think your post is bogus since you can't seem to provide pics.

and 3. if you do have plants in the backyard, why would you smoke the leaves??? and why smoke 5 or 6 bowls of leaves intead of 1 or 2 bowls of bud which would have had the same effect?

He just happened to find a crop in his backyard....I bet he found Big Foot back there too!


Well-Known Member
now this one lol go at em guys its ridiculus if i found pot in my backyard id take some pics jus cus thats jus that cool and second he said he found it las year then replanted some seeds drys pot overnight but wait says it tasted like shit , if it wasnt the combination of early picking and horrible drying and no cure not to mention its supposedly wild so its not gonna be some hi grade shit so dont compare it DAMN


Well-Known Member
lol yeah and i got d.b. coopers money ill post pics up tommorow oh and i found atlantis too they got the best chinese food lol


Well-Known Member
lol oh well lets jus change the title and get a few laughs instead so heres the new title have fun "OKAY WHAT'D YOU GUYS FIND IN YOUR BACK YARDS?" LOL:shock:


Well-Known Member
i sense a name change in the op very near future. if he hadnt already changed no need to lie on here newbs.. we r here to help but please believe we will flame ppl who show their ass... make outragous claims wit no proof and who bugout bein internet tough guys..

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Yea apparantly ET is running a muck in my yard throwin shit ever where
Id love to take a pic but 5 seconds ago i sat on my camera a few weeks ago and imight have the pics up in a couple years