Found an air-raid shelter in the garden today!


Well-Known Member
Ok peeps, not been able to get out there much but have done some research on the local area. So here we go.

We were in an area of high bombing risk in WWII

My house was built in the 1920's

They aren't rare (Anderson shelters), although ones in this condition are.

My house is built on what was previously heathland (hence very well drained). There was a gravel quarry about 500yds away, 110 yrs ago. A bore hole planted 200 yards away shows the water table to be at 33m depth, which is deep. All this leads me to believe drainage is good although top-soil appears to be a silty clay. I suspect the top-soil for the garden was imported

Please no comments from Frenchmen (who presumably had surrendered before these things were even thought of) or Americans (who probably never saw them as they only joined in well after we had won but still expect our help in the war against Terrorism i.e. 'anyone who comes between America and cheap oil' (Tongue firmly in cheek ;-) )


Well-Known Member
Telling your coke head neighbor about it was literally the worst move you could have made, i think you need to find a solution to this problem as the opportunity of growing like this can't be missed.