Found behind grandmas! Is it really???


Well-Known Member
Hey y’all so I haven’t grown many plants but have smoked many different strains. Anyways I was helping granny pulling weeds in the back yard and suddenly I spot this plant and I’m like this sure does look like a seedling and I should check with the community before goin forward. I occasionally have smoked in the backyard but never planted anything. If it’s one I guess it’s possible that a seed from a joint somehow made it past being cooked and fell on the ground and sprouted up in the spring. What you all think or is this some “weed”? Pun intended
Actually I transplanted it on the bank Of a ditch that runs all summer. Plant seems to like the spot as it’s growing fine again. The last joint I recall smoking back there was some Bruce Banner but coulda been from another joint I suppose. Either way I’m hoping it grows healthily and rewards me with decent buds.
Granny can’t smell, granny never seen ganja before. So think it’s in my favor to transplant this elsewhere. Weathers been harsh here, will probably be a strong plant. Thanks
You sure she's never seen it before?
My parents grew up in the 60's, they even had a sneaky plant in their university's garden!
Gardener took care of it without ever knowing what it was!
And now they're granny and gramps!
Def cannabis, just hope it's weed not hemp.
Good luck!
Maybe granny is starting a grow.
or maybe when grandson here was smoking he tossed some bagseed out...I’ve done it several times..
Sweeping out the garage..I see a plant coming up in the crack where I obviously swept the seed prior too.. next keep it alive and sex it... might be some blaze
Looks like she got some perlite around her already...I’d pull the other weeds up... eliminating the comp... and have at it... for the free
Good idea! I will pluck all other plants growing by it. I figured it would offer camouflage but you make a good point too. Should be fine, no one goes by the ditch. I’ll post a pic later of how it looks now, I’m guessing it’s a male...