Actually Im in a damn good mood thanks..
Just look at the big picture ok?
If it was possible(might be idk) this guy wouldve unsubscribed from his own thread because its nothing but name calling, bitching, wining, pointing fingers, and just plain bullshit...Maybe 2 or 3 posts actually tried answering his question the rest of the 9 pages is all of you people that have nothing better to do then bitch at each other over the damn INTERNET...and for what?
So i just think you all should just get on with your lives or get out of this thread because its fucking pointless now to even look at...
Thats all...
N dont let the swearing throw you off that im in a bad mood, thats just me..If you could hear or see me i have a big fucking smile on my face and would be talking in such a calm manner..
Devil on log? lol