Found my old marijuana growing book!

You would get an angle board and put the crushed weed on it. Then raked it uo with a card. Thats so all the seeds would roll out. Otherwise they popped when firing up a bowl. :lol:
I remember everyone had some sort of tray for sorting seeds using the zig zag cardboard to sift.
I love nostalgia. I`m surprised how many of grandpas old ways are still valid.
As in my grandpa was a better grower than I realised way back when. RIP old man!
You would get an angle board and put the crushed weed on it. Then raked it uo with a card. Thats so all the seeds would roll out. Otherwise they popped when firing up a bowl. :lol:

I even remember people talking about getting a seed in their eye when it popped out of a joint and how lucky they were not to loose an eye lol.

Many just used a record cover and a playing card.
You would get an angle board and put the crushed weed on it. Then raked it uo with a card. Thats so all the seeds would roll out. Otherwise they popped when firing up a bowl. :lol:
I remember guys seeing who could 'clean' it up the best and fastest at my house growing up! I also saw the record cover and the zig zag pack used! I forgot all about these until this thread!
lol reading these posts with people laughing at the ridiculous ideas from old books makes me think of all the people on here talking about how they are going to add their urine to their plants. Next time i see someone asking if they should add urine ill suggest that they also mould their buds.
a scanned in picture from days gone by, looks like 1930's from my old grower guide some interesting looking stuff, wicked looking sativa to man's rear, the indica looks pretty good


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a scanned in picture from days gone by, looks like 1930's from my old grower guide some interesting looking stuff, wicked looking sativa to man's rear, the indica looks pretty good
Christmas Trees! "and over to the left we have our bonzai section, to the rear you'll find soil and hydro" That would be part of my tour if I owned a cannabis nursery!
I was just flashing back to the bad old days with a red Coors tray full of brick weed with about a billion seeds per ounce. I wouldn't even smoke that dirt on a dare these days. Thank God for progress. That "Brown Frown" weed was the worst.
a scanned in picture from days gone by, looks like 1930's from my old grower guide some interesting looking stuff, wicked looking sativa to man's rear, the indica looks pretty good
Love the pic! Those plants look pretty good! I'm going to try to dig out more old books and finish reading the one I started. I read it years ago, but I had forgotten so much of it.
It also talks about grafting marijuana to hops, and listen to this: To increase potency it was suggested to put the still wet weed in a plastic bag along with the blue mold that forms on citrus fruit. Leave it in the bag until the weed is covered with mold. Another suggestion is to just take the wet weed and bury it in the ground for 3 weeks to 6 months or until covered with mold. Can you imagine? It's a wonder that people didn't die....maybe they did. It is a very entertaining read!

I remember that book oh so well. That was the year I graduated college. Somewhere I had read (not sure where, just back then) that you'd mold the weed to get increased strength. Needless to say, no one did after seeing it so nasty. I don't know what ever happened to it. probably a victim of downsizing once wedded with children. We did experiment and try the graft of Hops vine onto MJ stem. Didn't work and later scientific tests proved it didn't work either. Too bad. Talk about a stealth grow.
Early 70s. we had Christmas lights on the ceiling, candles with wax all over bottles, Al Demeola playing.. The neighbor got busted for being a grower with one 6" plant. 4 finger bags for $10. Rolled a monster joint from a Cheech and Chong album. Big Bamboo?
Yeah, I tried the hops thing years ago, too to no avail. I don't even like beer, and I had these huge hop vines growing on the fence!
Indica isn't even mentioned in the book, only sativa, and it suggests that marijuana potency may peak during the first 2 weeks of flowering! People didn't worry about smoking buds back then. They smoked the whole plant! One theory presented suggests putting a tack in the base of the stem to increase resin, another says to pick the buds as soon as they form. Wow

I remember for a time there (mid 70's) we got bricks of weed that were a pound. Compressed to around 2" X 3" X 4". They were vacuumed so tightly that the MJ sprung to life as air hit it. Typically one would get close to an ounce of seed and sticks too. But what the heck, we were only paying $150.00/lb.! Sold it @ 4 finger's worth for $15.00/bag. Then distributed the seeds or not depending on how we wanted our reputation to be known. $hit was the whole plant from grade to top. Looked like they tossed whole plants into a tree shredder and ground it up then packed it.