Found new hobby


Active Member
And love-in it.Been puffin since the days of lids.Never grew before ,what a mistake.Got a bag with some seeds threw them in toilet paper in tin foil and the rest is history.Found this site looking for info, got a ton of it .Thanks people ,Great site see you in the forums.


Well-Known Member
yeah man I just started growing myself about 6 months ago. In time you'll invest a little money in more lights better pots and soil and all that :) I started with no lights and I really messed up my first grow. All 3 girls went hermie at one point or another. But I am very much surprised to see that I had 3 out of 3 girls (the seeds were bag seeds). keep us updated with the grow man and good luck.


Active Member
hey HB thanks same to you,all ready been in hydro shop seen some lights i liked and open my eyes to alot of new things i need to invest in ,its like a bug OOPs don't say that word lol.Good gardening to you.


Well-Known Member
how's it going mate? any updates? :P it's weekend, have you been visiting ye' olde light store? peace out, stoned


Active Member
Went out bought a moister meter, found out I've been watering to much and letting it dry out, just after i transplanted.Getting new growth, mostly on the lower part, also buds are growing and lots of new bud.Just started PH balanced water hopefully that will bring me to my first harvest.Winter coming so I'll wait still spring to build new box and gear.