Found this new 'Dry & Cure' method - well, new to me, I've never seen this one..


Well-Known Member
anyone else used/read/heard about this method? I mean, its pretty much the same as the method I use.. only, slightly different. I always use a hygrometer in the jar.. this way I always know exactly where at in the curing process I'm currently at.. tells me what stage I'm at, at all times.. and its pretty much fail-safe as long as you pay attention to things.

anyhow, here's the method I came across.. see what you guys think and leave your comments below. thanks.

Step 1

Put some screws on the ceiling or wall of your cool dark room. Run some string or fishing line from screw to screw to give your self a line to hang your buds from.

This dark cool room needs to be ventilated and kept at a certain humidity for 2 -3 weeks while the marijuana slowly dries. The first day or 2 you won't probably won't need to keep the room humidified.

Once the buds get dry on the outside keep the humidifier full of water and set to 55% for 2-3 weeks. The room shouldn't get over 78 degrees and 65 - 70 degrees is optimal.

Step 2

Properly trim and hang your medical cannabis on the lines in your dark room.

Step 3

Let your buds hang until dry on the outside. Fill the humidifier with water and keep the room at 55% humidity for the next 2 to 3 weeks.

A humidifier with a "humidistat" works best for this process. Just set it to the desired humidity. Once the room gets 1% below the desired humidity level it kicks on until it reaches the desired humidity and kicks back off.

Step 4

Once the buds are dry to the point the stem just about snaps when you bend it they are getting ready. The longer they hang in 55% humidity the more the plant material breaks down the chlorophyll and releases co2 from the plant material. 2 - 3 weeks is usually enough hang time but some strains may need more time than that.

Drying too quick will lock in the chlorophyll and give your medicine a "green" harsh flavor. If this happens you can rehydrate by getting the room back to 55% humidity.

Step 5

Once the marijuana flowers have hung in the dark cool room for 3 weeks it's time to bring the humidity down to 50% for a few hours. This is a critical step and it's necessary to do it correctly. If you don't let the buds dry enough they can get funky and lose their great flavor.

Once the stem finally breaks when bent it's time to begin the final step

Step 6

Cut the flowers from the stems so you are basically down to the nuggets and bud ends. Package the buds into mason jars and put a sealed lid and ring on the jar.

Open the jars once a day for 5 minutes or so to let fresh air replace the CO2 in the jar. Once the marijuana is almost perfectly dry but just the slightest bit moist label it finished and put it on the shelf as usable marijuana. It's a matter of choice and most people like their cannabis anywhere from 5 - 10% moist. This is in the range that isn't so dry it degrades or so moist it degrades or gets moldy.

Anyone personally tried/use this exact method? If so, how well does it work? Just curious as I'm in the process of trying to find a new method I can experiment with.

thanks :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I've dealt with those temps and humidity ranges multiple times, and there is no way I have ever got a 2-3 week dry. They are always done in 7-10 days.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I have string run wall to wall floor to ceiling throughout a closet (well vented) and a DEhumidifier in there. I keep my RH at about 35%. tHE Colas dry in about a week, popcorn sooner. I'd be a bit worried about the 55% RH. It's not BAD, but it's a lot more likely to be conducive to mold IMHO


Well-Known Member
I see the reasoning behind slowing down the process "in hopes" of allowing more chlorophyll to dissapate,only i dont think much more chlorophyll can be pulled out vs a normal dry.

I really dont care for the extension of the whole drying process,the longer it drags out the more chance some funky shit can happen,i would much rather retain the extra 2 or 3% more chlorophyll in the bud than double dry time & double my chance at a bad harvest.