Found Webs!!

I'm 10 DAYS away from harvest and noticed SPIDER MITE webs on the tops of two of my plants. I have a total of 72... It seems pretty bad tho. I can see them crawling all over the tops with need of a microscope. What would you recommend I do?? Please help?!


Well-Known Member
10 days from harvest only visible'webbing on two? The rest prob have em but vaccuum the plants lightly that have em bad. Put double sided tape on the stalks of'cpean plants and if your canopy is interlapping lay some sticky fly paper on the leaves careful tomavoid buds and sugar leaf.

Keep tempsmas cold as possible that will slow their breeding...hell ifmthe infestation ismbad fuckin cut the leaves off the may shock em and cause a slightly lighter harvest but it would reduce the population a lot and keep em from tenting all your tops.

When you harvest cut em into branches and hang em the mites will climb t the end of the branches for the most part.


Well-Known Member
If you spray something you will risk mold and poisoning who ever smokes it.

Spider mites also can progress really fast

I say harvest them early and take that hit. But you have to have some kind of plan about it. Think about where and what you are infesting with the plants you cut down. Make sure you get all the leaf matterial bagged and binned away from any plants that can be infested. Then you have to presume they are every where! Clean the shit out of everything.

After all that, for future crops you should do weekly bug controls for as long as you can. For example you can spray neem oil weekly up until the buds start to get denser and it's a mold risk... so it could get infested after that but at least nothing was there up until that point.

Be real careful about all other plants around the house. I just found a plant outside with them and have since thrown it out, soil and all (rather than the risk and the ongoing effort to treat it).
Ok... There's nothing even natural you'd recommend I spray them with? My AC barely went out in my grow room, so the heat is sure helping them out....
I was using Azamax up to week 6 and everything has looked great, but was told to discontinue use by week 6. I'll try vacuuming them up lightly and early harvesting.


Well-Known Member
Neem oil is natural and low toxic- but it's not a knock down spray. It messes with their system so they don't get on with their life cycle properly and eventually die out. One effect is it stops them eating, but I don't know how many days that will take or if you can bank on it- plus you'll have tons of eggs hatching all the time so will need to spray every couple days... As for something that will kill them in the short term but not be toxic? I've read a strong concoction of chili will nail them... but maybe it might burn under your nails when you pick the bud up and will have a funky taste when you smoke it- that if it doesn't just mold to high hell from spraying anything

That's why you were told to stop spraying by week 6. In some set ups with the right conditions, you can probably get away with it. Having said that, i've never met anyone who is that on top of their environment for it to be a safe consideration. Something that would help would be to put a sterylizer in the same spray like h202 and colloidal silver- but keep in mind that some chemicals don't mix well.
Neem oil is natural and low toxic- but it's not a knock down spray. It messes with their system so they don't get on with their life cycle properly and eventually die out. One effect is it stops them eating, but I don't know how many days that will take or if you can bank on it- plus you'll have tons of eggs hatching all the time so will need to spray every couple days... As for something that will kill them in the short term but not be toxic? I've read a strong concoction of chili will nail them... but maybe it might burn under your nails when you pick the bud up and will have a funky taste when you smoke it- that if it doesn't just mold to high hell from spraying anything

That's why you were told to stop spraying by week 6. In some set ups with the right conditions, you can probably get away with it. Having said that, i've never met anyone who is that on top of their environment for it to be a safe consideration. Something that would help would be to put a sterylizer in the same spray like h202 and colloidal silver- but keep in mind that some chemicals don't mix well.
Ok thank you. I'll try that out.


Well-Known Member
If you have a local grow shop, go check out Mighty Wash. It's frequency water (water with an electrical charge) and kills everything from mites to eggs. It can be used up til the day of harvest- just make sure you apply in the dark and rinse the plants off well in the morning.


Well-Known Member
I'm 10 DAYS away from harvest and noticed SPIDER MITE webs on the tops of two of my plants. I have a total of 72... It seems pretty bad tho. I can see them crawling all over the tops with need of a microscope. What would you recommend I do?? Please help?!
That's fucked up!!!!!!!Sorry about your loss!!Prep a little better next time, caulk all cracks,be extra careful what/who you bring in the room,NO PETS from outside,follow the others advice about getting rid of the webs.My first grow,not 72:),but 1 plant got spidermites cause I brought tomato plants in from the garden(Don't do that).Well I pepper sprayed the shit out of em,then gently rinsed the dead and webs off as best as I could.No probs,buds were good:)GL.
If you have a local grow shop, go check out Mighty Wash. It's frequency water (water with an electrical charge) and kills everything from mites to eggs. It can be used up til the day of harvest- just make sure you apply in the dark and rinse the plants off well in the morning.

Ooh, ok. That sounds better. Theres a bunch of grow shops around here. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
bro i hate to say this but if there on the tops of your bud and you already see webs and crawling bugs without a microscope then you problem is not just on top.. inspect the under sides of the lower leaves with a microscope or loop glass.. they start at the base usually and work up the plant. so if there on top there in and on the whole plant.. airflow will blow small mites to another plant with ease.. liquid ladybug.. and harvest early. when you chop your plants put them in the refrigerator over night and that should kill any living bugs. after that the eggs are the issue.. so the cooler temps the better.. empty your grow area and spray with bleach .. clean everything twice.. and don't bring ANYTHING from outside to your grow area with out inspecting it..i ruined a whole harvest with a light hood from a friend, i bought his 24"x24" cool hood and it had been sitting in his shed for a year ,so i hooked it up and the dust that was on it must of had pollen on it and my whole room got pollinated from the dust off my hood.. so clean and inspect everything you bring in your grow area..


Well-Known Member
That sucks man. I too found spider mites but I'm not that close to harvest. just wanted to point out DO NOT USE colloidal silver. Thats used to make the plant produce male sex parts and it stresses it and your not supposed to smoke anything touched by the silver. so just wanted to throw that out there. good luck man


Well-Known Member
If you want to get rid of them fast and don't mind having more bugs around buy some lady bugs from Ebay...just stay away from private sites because those are more likely a rip off. Lady Bugs are cheap....usually sell in lots of a 1000 or so.


Well-Known Member
Lady Bugs are better at the beginning of an infestation....essentially controlling but not eliminating all the mites. At your time in late flowering, MIGHTY WASH is the way to go!


Well-Known Member
So how much does Mighty Wash cost and what does it have in it?...if someone says that it simply has a positive charge to it they are full of shit. The spider mite exoskeleton is sensitive to weak acids and alcohols. 5 minutes later...."frequency adjusted" as proclaimed by the company. Gees why cant people admit that a few chemicals are in their product. I would check it out with a Ph stick out of curiosity if I had spider mites but since using Sevin dust the mites have not been a problem.


Well-Known Member
I think you can get a gallon for around $35........ it's 99% plain water. That's a fact- I looked it up. It has a pH of around 6.6-6.8, is pink in color, and does have an electrical charge in it that kills the mites and explodes the eggs. Go to Youtube and watch some of the videos of it working. IT'S THE SAFEST THING TO USE ON FLOWERING PLANTS TO KILL MITES.

Now, if you are looking for something in the acid/alcohol category, try Liquid Ladybug. It has the following ingredients in it:

Peppermint oil 2%
Geraniol 1.5%
Citric Acid .5%

This has a very low pH, I think around 4.4. There are a number of other similar products on the market advertised under different names. These types do their thing and then evaporate off the plants rather quickly, no need to rinse them down. Apply only with no wind or fans on for best results.

Both products work by coming in direct contact with the mites and eggs. I've used numerous gallons of both and Mighty Wash works better. There's always going to be haters and each their own. I was a non-believer for a long time.......I'm not anymore.