Fox Farm -Big Bloom- , what color is it?


Active Member
I'm not stoned at the moment, but i think my mind is playing tricks on me....

I've not used FF Big Bloom often, but I could have sworn last few times I used it that te liquid was clear / yellowish...

I just went to mix some nutes this morning and the liquid is now a muddy brownish color.... thicker texture too

Is this the normal color, or did it go funky somewhere?


Well-Known Member
I'm not stoned at the moment, but i think my mind is playing tricks on me....

I've not used FF Big Bloom often, but I could have sworn last few times I used it that te liquid was clear / yellowish...

I just went to mix some nutes this morning and the liquid is now a muddy brownish color.... thicker texture too

Is this the normal color, or did it go funky somewhere?
No thats the color of my foxfarms Big mud water...I think its the guano in it. but it works!:hump:


Well-Known Member
With all Nuitrients, they do need to be mixed throughly before each application. Make sure you shake them very good all the time...