As you grow out your own autos you will see that they need a specific treatment from one strain to the next, even one pheno to the next. As we know autos are not real stable at this time but are getting close to it. I see this happening in the near future though.
So if you would like to super charge your autos this is what I do. But remember that this is my feed schedule to my conditions as well as soil amendments. SO if you know you have a hot soil ease up on the mix to make sure you dont burn and if your soil is plain compo you can get a little brave but less is more here.
The back of most of the FF bottles say 2teaspoons for regular feed and 3 for heavy feeding. I never use the 3teaspoon regimen. 2tsp is ideal for a 1/4 part break down.
1 pH water only
1.5 add in Big Bloom to the mix at 1/2 tea spoon
2 1/2tsp Grow Big 1/2 tsp Big Bloom
2.5 3/4 tsp of grow big
3 1tsp grow big and 1/2 Tiger bloom 1/2 tea spoon Big Bloom
3.5 1/2 tsp Grow Big 1/2tsp Tiger bloom
4 1tsp Tiger bloom 1/2 tsp Grow Big
4.5 Clean pH'ed water to clear out salt build up
5 2tsp tiger bloom 1/2 grow big
5.5 1 Teaspoon Grow Big
6 Begin Flush for the final weeks. At this point i can flush for a week before i begin to see yellowing of the fans.
I like to leave enough time to get all the salts out of there before the harvest. This stuff WILL salt up on you and cause build up and lock out.
Hope this helps some of you out there and remember this may vary to your application. This is just MY feed schedule.
I got this off a auto flower forum