Fox Farm "Grow Big" --- how do I use it?


Active Member
My plants are on a 18/6 schedule. I'll be moving 5 of them outside within next few days. Those 5 are about 7-8 inches tall. I water them with a cup of distilled water every 3rd day. They seem to be doing pretty well, a couple leaves on one plant are shrivelled and a few lower leaves on the bottom of a couple are yellowish but that was because I was massively underwatering I found out.

3 of the 5 tall ones are 3 weeks old. The other 2 are 5 weeks old.

2 of the 3 small ones are 3 weeks old, the other 5 weeks old (I fucked up on it so it kinda stunted its growth but it's doing well now).

They are all in "Miracle Gro Organic" soil with a 10-5-5 nutrient content (no idea of the Ph, I'm getting a Ph reader in the next couple days).

I haven't fed them at all yet with nutrients and am concerned they've got a N deficiency. (the shriveled leaves like I mentioned on one plant). Now the fox farm thing says to use:

General feeding: 2-3 teaspoons per gallon of water every other watering (so basically once a week for me).
Heavy feeding: 4 teaspoons per gallon of water every other watering
Supplemental Foliar Feeding (wtf does that mean?): 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water every other week.

Which of these should I do? And in one of the mj guides I read it said to halve whatever the instructions say on fertilizers because cannabis burns easy. True or not?

So how much should I use? Obviously I'm not watering them with a whole fucking gallon so I'm really confused...

I can post pics if necessary but I'm lazy and don't feel like it but if you need pics to assess the situation just tell me.


Active Member
start with 1 tsp of grow big and 1 tbsp of big bloom per gallon of water (i started with 1 tsp-1tbsp per 2 liter bottle personally, but i had special circumstances). if you notice no nute burn on the tips of ANY of your leaves, step up to 1-1/2, and so on and so on. are you using the full fox farm line or wut??


Active Member

I'm currently growing a nycd and its 4 weeks old. i accidentally break the half of the pot while i was transferring to bigger pot and it took 1 week to recover for the plant. i finally got my foxfarm trio pack today and i wasn't sure about the amount that i should give since i haven't use any nutrients during 4 weeks of vegetative and i used 1tsp grow big and big bloom for 1,5lt. of water. any suggestions about the schedule that i should follow? thanks. I'm using 5x 27watt (100W) CFL and my HPS (150W) in on the way.


Active Member
i would start with feeding every other watering. but if you notice any burns then change to every third...