Fox Farm Growers please, Nutes advice with Ocean Forest/BIG BLOOM/TIGER BLOOM/BG


Active Member
I have fox farm ocean forest soil, fox farm happy frog bat guano, tiger bloom, and big bloom.

* i also have carbs from humboldt honey (i have been told these are only for flowering)....i don't really know when to use what, i kind of have an idea please help!

once flowering i was planning on my watering schedule being:

1.big bloom/tiger bloom - 2.carbs/bat guano tea - 3. just water

I have clones in some sort of soil not sure what, just in small 4" pots, i plan to leave them there for a few days, maybe up to 2 weeks before i transplant them into bigger 3 gallon pots with FOX Farm Ocean Forest Soil...when i transplant are the nutes in the fresh soil enough for the next two weeks?


should i start using the big bloom nutes right when i transplant into the fresh new soil for the final 2 weeks of Veg?

how do i use bat guano? do i put the bat guano in the soil directly? or use the tea method and soak it in the water? NPK 0 - 5 - 0

I have heard people using nutes from day one seed and clone, starting mid veg around week 2, also waiting till flower and no nutes for veg...i am frankly confused, i have read 100's of threads i feel like.

ALSO bonus question: if i only plan on vegging for ONLY two weeks and starting my flower when i transplant into fresh soil, do i use flower nutes or again, are the nutes in the ocean forest soil enough and for how long until i should use the nutes?

Please help!


Well-Known Member
You can use big bloom whenever you want, even on your clippings and seedlings.

There's a soil chart on the foxfarms website, its a pdf file and it will tell you the amount to use and when to use it.. Thats what I go off of and FF recommends starting out with big bloom and continuing it through the whole grow! I would definitely give you a better idea of when to use what and how much to use..

The oceanforest soil is packed with nutes so you won't have to worry about feeding them any veg nutes "grow big" unless your vegging over 3-4 weeks.. I would start adding big bloom asap, just do it every other watering and depending on what week your at just go off the chart.

The tigerbloom I wouldn't start adding until you see your first sighns of hairs, be careful because I've heard of some strains being sensitive to this if you mix it to strong. Start off with half strength and you will be golden!

So yes you will use flowering nutes when you go into flowering. Bascially your going to add bigbloom in now and when you switch to 12/12 and see hairs you going to start adding big bloom and tiger bloom.


Active Member
great answer, now i need to know when to use the happy frog bat guano (0-5-0) and also when to use carbs (humboldt honey carbs) .... thanks!


Active Member
please i need help on when to use the bat guano and hunboldt honey ES carbs...

when do you give the plant carbs?


Active Member
Im not sure about using the guano, but I use FF Tiger Bloom & Big Bloom. I give my clones BigBloom for the first 3-4 weeks after theyve been established. After those weeks I dont use BigBloom any more until the last week of veg (before you cut your lights back) and then the whole way through flower until your last week when you flush out your plants. As far as the carbo. thing I have AN-BudCandy & AN-B52, both of these tell you to use them through weeks 1-6 of flowering (which I do), but sometimes and other people agree to this, I will give them a watering or two of these products through out the veg phase just to give my plants a carbo. boost.


Well-Known Member
Just follow thier grow chart to a T and you'll be fine. Dont add anything but what they tell ya. Keep waterings ph at 7.0 to 7.2 and feeds at 6.5 to 6.6 and you'll be just fine. You can feed every time but really no need. I runn all foxfarm and have for a long time so just stick to the chart and be done............. Do not add bat dodo to bloom or anything else like that as thier stuff is complete. If ya have to add something then add great white at transplant in veg and once again at mid-bloom.....

I do add large chinky perlite when I mix up a bag for transplanting and 3 tlbs gardening lime to help ph. Ph tends to drop to the low 6's as ya grow so is the reason for my high ph feeds and waterings. Doing it this way gets my run-off to come out at 6.4 each time.


Well-Known Member
Ocean forest is packed full of goodies. The plant will thrive for a month or so on just what's in the soil. You can use big bloom at any time, but you don't really need it if you're in fresh OF soil.Atleast for a few weeks. Even after then don't go over a tablespoon per gallon. The other two are pretty concentrated themselves. You can easily get away with only using 1/4 to 1/2 of what fox farm recommends.


Well-Known Member
I would say maybe a little big bloom during veg and nothing else, dont want to kill the micro-organisms. Then proceed with big bloom and Tiger bloom for flower, use the guano and maybe a little mollasses for a nice tea during flowering. I was wondering if anybody has used beastie bloomz and cha ching and if they really do what they say they do cause they sound like the shit for supplements


I use the whole fox farms line, including the new bushdoctor line minus the sledgehammer flush, i have been wondering about adding a carbo loader to the FF myself, i actually have some of that humboldt honey ES too, left over from trying to run humboldts abortion of a line, all the solubles are the shit, the next day after feeding with beastie blooms or cha ching your shit should be frosty as fuck, im runnin the whole line in pro-mix bx and am getting monsters with huge buds off a 4 weeks veg, the strawberry diesels im running were almost 3 feet tall at the end of veg, and full and bushy, start open sesame in the last week of veg, start beasty blooms in the 3rd week of flower, cha ching starts in 5th week till the end, I clone in a aero cloner than into beer cups of pro mix, water with ph'd water and 2 drops of superthrive only, after 3 weeks in the beer cups i transplant to 5 gallon smart pots, and the water i use for the tranplant is 1/4 strength of week 2 from the FF schedule, so no nutes till they go into their final home

The schedule calls for full strength feedings every other watering, i do half strength every watering, works for me, do what works for you

The pic is strawberry diesel, 42 days in flower, the strain goes 77-84 days, so theres still alot of growth to come and already super coated with trichs



Well-Known Member
Just follow the Fox Farms schedule EXACTLY (nutes and additives) and you'll be just fine with most strains. To be safe, you may want to start at 1/2 strength (although I have always found this unnecessary). The only thing additional I use is when I water (no nutes) I will add 1 tsp of CalMag to the water, and I will sometimes add a tablespoon of molasses.


Active Member
With the use of Ocean forest, Big bloom and watering with distilled water. Has anyone had problems with their PH levels getting below 6.0?
I had that problem before. My water is around 8.0, and I still use pH up when all the nutes are added just to get it up to 6.8 ish.

I use the 8.0 water for watering only, then I get the water to 6.8 when I fertilize. This keeps everything just right so far.

I did have my pH drop down to 5.5 ish when I wasn't as accurate. All kinds of things happen when you get that low. pH has been my biggest problem as a newbie.