FOX FARM NUTE question


Well-Known Member
i only have Grow big and tiger bloom, I havent been using BIG Bloom....

So far i have no problems or deficiencys...

will this be alright not using the big bloom?


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of FF advocates that don't use the BB. Many say it's a waste, a few swear by it.

I use all the FF line including the solubles. I add cal mag too. I don't use BB.


Well-Known Member
thanks moppin, that makes me feel way better, Someone told me it was a waste, and my cousin told me dotn worry a bout it.

beause i have only been using the grow big and so far my plants look healthy as fuck without i think im just gonna say fuck it and dont bother. unless i start seeing defiencys, which i havent.


Well-Known Member
If you start to see deficiencies it will likely be calcium and magnesium using FF and sometimes N. if you see early yellowing in flower it's likely due to not enough N. sounds like your green tho. i see folks add hygrozyme to their soup as well. not quite sure what it does as I have to do some more research on it. something about cleaning the roots from initial research tho.


RIU Bulldog
Your plants will be fine as long as theres no signs of nutrient or salt problems, but in my experience, every extra dollar you put into getting high quality buds usually pays off in the end, unless you somehow fuck up with the nutes.

I would say, if its part of a three-step program or whatever, then just spend the extra cash. Good companies like FoxFarm have put a lot of money into research, i think it would be worth it.

Then again, i only use grow big and bloom too :hump:


Well-Known Member
dam, thats numerous people telling me that they dont use big bloom. And multiple tiems i have heard people say its totally not needed. Makes me feel better, But like i stated, my plants look healthy as hell.

Thanks alot for the responses


Well-Known Member
Ive been using Fox Farm hydro line including solubles for sometime now, and have found big bloom to be helpful, but you could honestly do without. It's not that expensive and if you run into issues with nutes it helps revitalize the root system if you screw up. In all honesty I have found grow big and open sesame to be the least useful, but this is also in hydro not soil. So cant help much with soil.


Well-Known Member
I am down with FF 100% and have been for 3 years. Before going organic that is. I still use there FFOF and the Big Bloom. Big Bloom is there only organic nutrient (liquid) that is being offered in the us at this time, so of course they are going to push it along with there other products. Look at the ingredients and look at the feeding schedule. Its basically Bat Guano and Worm poop. And you must flood your pot with it first time, then 2-3 Tbl per gallon after that. See that works best for organics not so much synthetics. Big Bloom is Wonderful in feeding the micro beasties in a organic soil, but synthetics kill micro beasties.
Then why on their feeding schedule do they have all three of them mixed together at different times?