Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog at this stage?


Hey all. So I have White Castle Feminized and they are about 4 days old and have their first set of leaves and have tons of roots coming out the bottom of their jiffy cubes. Do I transplant into Ocean Forest or Happy Frog at this point?


Well-Known Member
i have heard many people say ocean forest is a bit hot (too many nutes) for seedlings. i would say for now put em in the happy frog then next transplant they should be fine for ocean forest.


Well-Known Member
i personally always used the ocean forest mix with more than excellent results. The one advice i will give you about that particular soil is that after a month and half or so you will have to add more dolomite lime to the mix since it will run low of dolomite lime. And also you really dont have to add no nutes until after a month of being in the soil. Its a very good soil indeed. So i highly recommend it.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else find that they need to amend Ocean forest with anything else during their grows outside of veg/flower nutes.
Hey all. So I have White Castle Feminized and they are about 4 days old and have their first set of leaves and have tons of roots coming out the bottom of their jiffy cubes. Do I transplant into Ocean Forest or Happy Frog at this point?
I used ocean forest, and it worked great for me.
Fox farm is the way to go only soil I use
To each his own. imo fox farm soils is one of the worst and most unefficent soils on the market. that shits like a sponge and packed full of bugs and an uneven supply of starting nutrients. i would try shopping around for an alternative to ffof. like i said tho just my opinion


Well-Known Member
I go right into FFOF And use it right out the add nothing for a week or two and then baby steps with the nutes


Well-Known Member
I think if you Mix them that would be best.. FFOF works great but it is missing some of the goodies in Happy Frog & vice versa.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I know those who swear by the Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Use all Fox Farm Nutes myself. However I have had such great success with Happy Frog I've stuck with it. There are alot of quality soils, nutes etc. and everyone who uses them swears by them. RESULTS ARE THE KEY!