Fox farm ocean forest soil


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
Im about to start a new grow and have been reading around about soil recipes. Is it generally ok to grow without adding a bunch of stuff to my pre-bought soil? I am going with fox farm ocean forest soil and was thinking about just adding a little bit of perlite. Does anyone have any input about this? Also, is vermiculite and perlite the same thing? What is better to mix with soil?


Well-Known Member
^^ works everytime? as opposed to what?? I use the same shit without perlite, works your saying without perlite it doesnt work?


Active Member
I use Ocean Forest straight up, nothing added. Doesn't seem to need anything else. I water every three days until the water comes out the bottom. I have low humidity, sometimes 0%. Does perlite help the roots get more oxygen? Because it's not needed for water retention with Ocean Forest. That stuff is like a sponge already.


Well-Known Member
My problems with FFOF (with nothing added) has been compaction of the soil and excessive water retention, so I've been experimenting with increasing the ratio of soil/perlite.
For my current grow I am trying almost a 50/50 mix of soil/perlite.
It might turn out that it sucks, but 25% didn't work well enough for me last time.
YMMV, natch


Well-Known Member
I would recommend you do NOT add anything to FFOF. It already has more perlite than it needs. Just use it straight out of the bag


Well-Known Member
1/2 FFOF and 1/2 Happy Frog is my magical blend! I love that stuff. Shouldn't need to feed for a month.


Well-Known Member
I'll second the recommendation of adding extra perlite, unless, you are confident that you have a good grasp of proper watering routines. Add the perlite, and overwatering is practically impossible. You could literally flush them every time you water, and still be just fine, as long as you kept their nute requirements satisfied(you wash them all out, if you actually did flush every Add at least another 10%, and play it safe. It's cheap and easy insurance, IMO.

Also,....perlite is for drainage(removing water), and vermiculite is for water retention. I find the latter, unnecessary.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
FFOF is great out of the bag by itself. adding perlite can help make a bag go longer, but be prepared to water more often. I must agree however there is something great about mixing FFOF and HappyFrog or even the Organic potting mix...they seem to complement each other nicely


Well-Known Member
i never had a problem with ff soil....
It seems to me that it has tons of perlite already...adding more wouldnt hurt... but i never did ...
The only bad part about ff soil is its real clunky and chunky ...usually i have to mix it with my hand to get all the clunks out before i pot my flower....overall its good stuff...


Active Member
FFOF is a God send. Some folks who mix in perlite may live in a more humid environment than I do. That being said I do put stones at the bottom of my planter to allow for drainage. I've used a lot of soils and FFOF will not disappoint you. I'd say save your dollars and leave it the way it is. You can always aerate later if you need.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
I also use ffof straight outa the bag-nothing added.worx wonders if you ask me.might try the ffof&happy frog mix next time tho.both very available where im at.


New Member
i do it straight out of bag also, i have added earth worm casting and also I have added happy frog...I have had better results with straight out of the bag. The happy frog is just for the microbes anyways, use your own microbe catalyst (unessecary but can help)


Well-Known Member
1/2 FFOF and 1/2 Happy Frog is my magical blend! I love that stuff. Shouldn't need to feed for a month.
I do the exact same, its a great combo, i add perlite for additional aeration of the roots. Then I dont add any nutes until flower time.