Fox Farm Soil Question


Hey all, new here and first time grower. I've learned a lot through this site and hope to learn more.

I have two soils. FF Light Warrior and FF Ocean Forest. I started my germinated seeds into the FF Light Warrior and want to know a couple of answers.

a) When transplanting into a 1 gallon container from the plastic cup do I keep using Light Warrior? Do I mix Light Warrior and Ocean Forest? Or do I transplant directly into Ocean Forest

b) When do I transplant into the 1 gallon? My sprouts are about 4 days and 6 hours old.

c) Since Ocean Forest has earthworm castings, bat guano, and micronutrients, do I grow entirely through the soil or do I need to buy separate nutes?

O and here are the pics of my 4 day sprouts. Please criticize since I'm thinking they're not growing fast enough. O and the pics are pretty bad because of the light and I couldn't take good angled pictures.



Active Member
yeah there growing a bit slow id give um another week then transplant to at least 3 gallon going to 1 gallon is like nothing just use all ocean forest it has plenty of nutes for about a month just water with phed water and your fine if your using RO water you might run into cal-mag def
They look pretty good to me. I just TPed into FFOC yesterday. If I had the room I would have put em in 3gal. pots but i could only fit 3- 2 gal. pots. On my next go around im building a larger space. I have TPed 3 times already....I want to go from seedling pot to 3 gal. pot next time. I will be using FF tri pac nutes. hope this helps