fox farm soil???


Well-Known Member
I was looking for a medium for growing I want fox farm but am not sure witch one?? Ocean forest was one... is this a soilless medium or a soil... they call it a soil. Is this what i want??? ThanksDurskie


Active Member
I used organic fox farm ocean forrest and loved it. I got it on numerous reccomendations.


Well-Known Member
yes you can and it is going to cost you alot in shipping. save yourself the shipping and find a shop even an hour drive would save you money. I use ocean and would recommend it to anyone, PEACE!


Well-Known Member
Yes going to the nursery and asking would be the cheapest thing to do. They aren't going to give you bad advice.


Active Member
I was wondering about this stuff myself. The closest grow shop to here that sells fox farm stuff is 2 hours away, but they don't carry ocean forest, but they have the stuff just called "planting mix". If anyone's tried it, how's this stuff?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys first post, but i had a question about fox farm soil. how long roughly do you let your plants grow in this befor adding in nutes? For this is going to be my first real grow and i dont want to burn the plants. i was thinking of useing Fox Farm Ocean Forest & Fox Farm High Yield, mixing them 1 to 1. just curious as i found a nice little hydro store today about 45 min from me. here is there web page. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
About a month.

This grow I used FF ocean forest, beans started in 16 oz cups. At week 3 I noticed a little Nitrogen deficiency yellowing so I started to add nutes. I was planning to go a month but had to help the babies. Keep a close eye on them if you go a month. The babies are Canacopia Chunky Cheese and are mostly or all indica fyi. I got mine from the hydro store for $16 a bag.
good luck


Well-Known Member
1 bag ocean forest, 1 bag happy frog, 3/4 light warrior (other 1/4 bag save for starting seedlings). Mix the 3 well. You will then have a mix that will stimulate good root growth. Feed nicely for the first 3 wks give or take of veg. And will perform great distributing nutes fed to your plants during flower. I.E. Good at buffering ph. 2 or 3 pounds or worm castings and 1 or 2 tablespoons of dolomite would just be added bonuses with this mix if you can find them. Greensand dosent hurt either.