fox farm tiger bloom question


i just started my plants on a 12-12 lighting schedule a couple days ago, and i was wondering if just using tiger bloom alone is enough. it says for best results to use it with big bloom too, i was just wondering if anyone knows wether or not u need to use them together or if tiger bloom alone would be enough, thanks


Well-Known Member
i got both of them but the only way to tell is to use it but i would use both just to be safe, each one gives the plant something different to help with growth


Well-Known Member
big bloom should be used everyday of the plants life more or less its pretty weak. so you can totally bud with the tiger bloom, i'd hit them with a little nitrogen in week 3 as the ff schedule suggests.


Well-Known Member
i disagree on using the big bloom everyday and when you add both the nutes together it makes a strong combination which is good


Well-Known Member
i disagree on using the big bloom everyday and when you add both the nutes together it makes a strong combination which is good
you disagree on the daily part or what? cus you say you like the combo. i mean watch how your plants respond, i used it almost everytime i watered untill the 5th week flower or so. i sorta forget what ff recomends but i think you use it through all of veg and all of flower


Well-Known Member
o i see i said he could flower with out it, i mean you could but with out great results but you could, but yes you could do better useing both i agree compleatly


ok so i went out and sprung for the big bloom too, my only question is should i add the tiger bloom and big bloom to the same gallon of water or mix up a gallon of each and water the plants a little with both?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
If you dont use both you will end up with problems.I did the opposite and just used big bloom and ended up with a nitrogen defiency


Hey sorry to just jump in but this is what happen when i used tiger bloom at full dosage.It was doing great at full dosage of big grow for veg.Know i dont know if she doing so good?can i save her?


Hey sorry to just jump in but this is what happen when i used tiger bloom at full dosage.It was doing great at full dosage of big grow for veg.Know i dont know if she doing so good?can i save her?
that looks like you have a heat issue what are the temps?


If that was replyed to me i dont know what mg is. im new i dont know what to do.i run liqiud carma and tiger bloom.


Well-Known Member
She is nute burned for sure...I highly reccomend flushing immediately and then going to 1/2 strength nutes for a week, then to 3/4.

What is the TDS ppm of the solution you are feeding? If the answer is "I dont know cause I dont have a meter" then quit asking nute questions and go buy a meter! I say this with love....

Also Tiger Bloom is VERY low in PH so if you are not correcting the PH your problems will persist.

Also FF recommends using BB every day of the grow. Its not flowering food like the name suggests, rather an all around buffer and stabilizer.

Also you have to continue to use the GB in flowering, simply check the FF feeding schedule and will answer all of these questions.


my temps when im running my light only get at the top of the bud is 80 and the bottom is at 73-72 but she is tall like 5'8"and that i think is ok and im running co2 in my room night it is like 70s.


ok well im in ff oc soil and ive been running 6.5 ph and ive dont have money for a meter yet im unemployed and this is what i got.ive been doing 2 teaspoon to a gallon which is like 10ml "I think".


sorry didnt mean to scare everyone you guys think these is to much nutes to give her 2 teaspoon to a gallon

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I use one tablespoon and no more,I never go by the directions.They are allways too strong and stunt my plants.Some strains can handle more than others the one tablespoon is where I start before adjusting


cool i said that all messed up im meant i run co2 in my room and it only gets to 70 at night.not that i run my co2 at night.and thanks i have 3 strains and the other ones seem to like all the nutes. that why I was sort of lost.makes sense different strains different level of nutes