Fox farm trio


New Member
Whats up fellow enthusiasts, question? First time grower here and I'm getting ready to mix the fox farm trio per the recommended chart, now here's my question, the recommended amount of water is 1 gallon plus the nutrients, am I adding 1 gallon of water to each plant, or do I dispurse the 1 gallon to all 3 plants?


Well-Known Member
The chart calls for a specific amount of fert per gallon.

Feel free to mix a three gallon batch. Whatever the fert amount times 3.

Watch the PPM. For which represents the 'dosage'.


Well-Known Member
Remember im a rookie, but that advice is duly noted, do u have a ratio by any chance of the three I mentioned in my medium
I’ll defer to experienced users of coco. I never have more than 30% in a mix that includes Pro Mix HP and perlite. All in equal amounts. Coco rinsed well and then soaked in cal mag. Had problems until a local friend advised the cal mag. Takes getting used to. Like every other medium or technique.