fox farm


Well-Known Member
im about to start my grow in 3 days. fine tuning the last minute stuff. i was wondering if fox farm light warrior was a good soil to veg in after that i would switch to ocean forest for flowering. should i mix it with some perlite too? what percentage? and if i use their nutes, just follow their nute feeding plan?
No matter what soil you decide on, you will need to add more perlite and powdered dolomite lime.

Getting the soil 'light' from the perlite and pH buffered along with available cal/mag from the dolomite lime, will save you many headaches with the grow.



Active Member
Ive done this before... with the dolomite it works awesome, I didnt feed my plants when I used it so would it be real easy to burn if you use nute evry other water or what?