Fox Farms Light Warrior?


Well-Known Member
I did not know that, that explains a lot... A little extra doesn't hurt right?
Adding more doesn't actually add anything. Just more expense. Save your mycorrhizae for soil that needs it.

I add a handful of Light Warrior to the soil under anything I plant, even in my outdoor garden, to inoculate root systems.


So I read you don't feed your plants until about 3 weeks. What if you're using 100% light warrior for seedlings. Should you start feeding sooner? How soon should you transplant them to a bigger container and regular soil? After transplanting to regular soil say FFOF do you wait 3 weeks then to feed?


Active Member
my seedlings go from dome to straight ocean forest and i dont have any poblems.growing super skunk.did have some burn when i started with bagseed so i used light warrior but the ss can handle it so now i dont use it


When I start seedlings in Light Warrior, I use some liquid additives that conver the plants nutrition until they get planted in the LW/OF mixture. Kelp, B-1,Myco, Root Stim. That will cover your needs for a week or two.
When planting clones, I go straight into the LW/OF mix and start with the same additives because they are bigger and take off faster.


Well-Known Member
Not much to ANY of the popopular premade soilless mixes at the hydro stores. They are all variations on the old Cornell or UC mixes explained in dusty gardening amd horticulture books at the local library. Peat moss (with dolomite lime as a pH balancer - cuz peat is acidic as hell)....perlite...maybe vermiculite (esp. for cuts and starts)... and thats it. Them old books suggested river sand also but thats Really old school. W. Castings...dry humic (or humus)....feather meal (cuz its cheap)...and mycos and bacillus type shit is the newish variations. But its all the same old basic mix...and it works...if your into peat bases mixes...quite effectjve...growing...anything. Iam a coco nut myself. For me coir far surpasses these mixes.


Well-Known Member
I used FF light warrior straight in 3 seeds, All three are doing just fine so far. going into day 11.