Fox farms sale

How about some coco or peat for a fraction of the price and you add the fertilization yourself? Or are you bent on using this soil specifically?
I saw a 40 lb brick of coco but I heard you have to water more and I have to buy water because my tap water is horrible
How about some coco or peat for a fraction of the price and you add the fertilization yourself? Or are you bent on using this soil specifically?
Ya, but it sounds like they'd have to take a long train ride to get that shit too. Now that I know that, I would just get the FFOF from Target shipped to my house.
I saw a 40 lb brick of coco but I heard you have to water more and I have to buy water because my tap water is horrible

First, how do you know your tap water is horrible? Who told you that and what are their qualifications to make such a determination?

Second, is your main concern the cost of water? Summer is here, so you'll need a lot of it.

This sounds like an X-Y problem. Like you're trying to find a solution to a problem, yet you don't understand what the problem really is yet.

Please tell us the specifics about your water, and hopefully we can work around that.
First, how do you know your tap water is horrible? Who told you that and what are their qualifications to make such a determination?

Second, is your main concern the cost of water? Summer is here, so you'll need a lot of it.

This sounds like an X-Y problem. Like you're trying to find a solution to a problem, yet you don't understand what the problem really is yet.

Please tell us the specifics about your water, and hopefully we can work around that.
They building told us don’t drink it I had gherkins in a pt that I brung over to this building and started watering with house water and it destroyed it
That's a terrible price. It's $12.90 for a 1.5 cf bag right down the street where I'm at.

Natures care organic by MG is what I find at big box stores. It’s just as good as FFOF.

The Performance Organics in the black bag by MG is a decent soil. It has all organic amendments and no timed released fertilizer. The thing is it costs more than FFOF. It's $12 at Home Depot for a 25 quart bag which is only 0.8 cf. Way overpriced but they'll sell a ton of it because they have access to the big box stores and a supply chain to keep them stocked.
That's a terrible price. It's $12.90 for a 1.5 cf bag right down the street where I'm at.

The Performance Organics in the black bag by MG is a decent soil. It has all organic amendments and no timed released fertilizer. The thing is it costs more than FFOF. It's $12 at Home Depot for a 25 quart bag which is only 0.8 cf. Way overpriced but they'll sell a ton of it because they have access to the big box stores and a supply chain to keep them stocked.
I saw that black bag at a Bjs but I thought it would suck
I saw that black bag at a Bjs but I thought it would suck

I looked at the ingredients. Not bad at all for Miracle-Grow.

If they have the FFOF then do they have FFHF? I use that every grow. Combined they are supposed to be better even.
I moved here cuz the rent was cheap but it’s a shit place to live

I understand the difficulties people have. We've all had to overcome obstacles. The obstacle we have to overcome here is how to get you growing as best you can with what you have.

First, tomorrow, perhaps you could call your local state health department, and ask if they do water analysis. Tell them your building claims the water is "not potable, and not to drink or cook with it". Hopefully, the state does free analysis of this sort.

If they do free analysis, don't do anything grow related or make any purchases until that analysis comes back. Post that here and we'll help you further.

If the state doesn't provide free testing and you can't get water testing done within the budget you can afford, I honestly don't know what more to say, other than do the best you can with what you can afford and find, and hope for the best.

However, if the building owners are telling you outright that the water is contaminated beyond the point of it being potable (ie. drinkable), you have far serious worries to think about beyond what soil you need.
I understand the difficulties people have. We've all had to overcome obstacles. The obstacle we have to overcome here is how to get you growing as best you can with what you have.

First, tomorrow, perhaps you could call your local state health department, and ask if they do water analysis. Tell them your building claims the water is "not potable, and I'm afraid to drink it". Hopefully, the state does free analysis of this sort.

If they do free analysis, don't do anything grow related or make any purchases until that analysis comes back. Post that here and we'll help you further.

If the state doesn't provide free testing and you can't get water testing done within the budget you can afford, I honestly don't know what more to say, other than do the best you can with what you can afford and find, and hope for the best.

However, if the building owners are telling you outright that the water is contaminated beyond the point of it being potable (ie. drinkable), you have far serious worries to think about beyond what soil you need.
They did the water analysis it’s excess levels of hexavalent chromium I don’t even shower with it I’m out when the lease is up in October
Wow. This is known, and nobody does anything about it.

Just fucking incredible.
i did some research it’s known around 75 percent of the properties in Jersey have obvious tap water contamination I didn’t know until I moved here and started breaking out after shower here a few days
i did some research it’s known around 75 percent of the properties in Jersey have obvious tap water contamination I didn’t know until I moved here and started breaking out after shower here a few days

I have a lot I'd like to say about that, but I digress. This is about growing cannabis. I concur with the need to purchase water if you opt to grow cannabis where you are currently located.