Fox news. enter at your own risk.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
those jobs are never ever coming back
I agree chesus, the jobs are never coming back and there is no politician that can make it happen in my opinion. If there is a way to stop more jobs from leaving the country, I would think that is as good as it is going to get for quite some time to come.

Maybe Bernie can calm the crowds for awhile without causing cilvil war to break out with the young people that are in a world of hurt right now. And I want to hear from Bernie how he is going to create jobs that are going to matter where it is needed the most because if he starts building bridges and roads most of those jobs will be filled with people that are working already and the young people won't feel the goodness from his job creations.

I thought BarryO was going to kick start jobs with the bridges and road improvements and what happened with that? I think the young people got fucked with jobs from BarryO and Bernie is going to have to go look for that magic buss that is sitting under a tree some where so he can bring Jerry back to life and have free love all over again.

The pot business can only help so many people and it is the only thing going right now that is new for an industry in this country that is helping some young people. imo If Bernie can legalize pot in all fifty states that would be the biggest jobs increase for young people sense the invention of hamburgers. imo

I am going to go smoke a joint now.


Well-Known Member
I agree chesus, the jobs are never coming back and there is no politician that can make it happen in my opinion. If there is a way to stop more jobs from leaving the country, I would think that is as good as it is going to get for quite some time to come.

Maybe Bernie can calm the crowds for awhile without causing cilvil war to break out with the young people that are in a world of hurt right now. And I want to hear from Bernie how he is going to create jobs that are going to matter where it is needed the most because if he starts building bridges and roads most of those jobs will be filled with people that are working already and the young people won't feel the goodness from his job creations.

I thought BarryO was going to kick start jobs with the bridges and road improvements and what happened with that? I think the young people got fucked with jobs from BarryO and Bernie is going to have to go look for that magic buss that is sitting under a tree some where so he can bring Jerry back to life and have free love all over again.

The pot business can only help so many people and it is the only thing going right now that is new for an industry in this country that is helping some young people. imo If Bernie can legalize pot in all fifty states that would be the biggest jobs increase for young people sense the invention of hamburgers. imo

I am going to go smoke a joint now.

imagine a world where you can type anything into a rectangle box and have the answer..voila! i just love google!


Well-Known Member
My argument is ... if you want more money, work harder.

It's a pretty simple concept.
says the guy who is whinign and crying about what a min wage raise would do to those making just over the new min wage.

here's a concept: maybe hey can just work harder?

problems get solved real easy in your fake world.


Well-Known Member
Free, free, free .... :roll:

Not everyone takes the "shitty" salary. There is always another option. Always.

There are plenty of people who have worked their way up to a livable wage all on their own.

I'm all for paying people more money. Why wouldn't I be? But sometimes you have to WORK for it. ;)
Bernie Sanders has a pretty good idea about how to fund free higher education for anyone who wants it, check it out;

If you remove the financial burden put on students after they leave college, you help everyone, not just the individual. You don't seem to be understanding that point. This helps everyone, our entire society. Those people can then go on and become productive tax paying citizens with higher incomes. Same deal with single payer health care, same thing with quality job training programs.

You haven't really given any counter argument for why any of that would be a bad idea, I'd love to hear it

I've heard that same talking point dozens if not hundreds of times before and you still haven't addressed the fact that millions of people hold more than one job just to get by and pay their bills. So what exactly do you mean "work harder"? Are these people not working hard enough?


Well-Known Member
So if businesses don't suffer from an increase in minimum wage why don't they all increase their employees pay voluntarily?
Greed. Fear mongering. And not ALL businesses are in the same situation. But if a business can afford to increase minimum wage, it should.


Well-Known Member
Tooth fairies drive cars powered by human farts. True story. But don't ask me to provide proof.
Look what's happening in Greece, capital flight from their banks due to retarded Govt decisions and a massive swing to the left after the last election.

Most places there won't accept anything but cash cos they're afraid the banks won't be able to honour card payments due to a lack of capital.

There's a river in Egypt named appropriately for your position...


Well-Known Member
Look what's happening in Greece, capital flight from their banks due to retarded Govt decisions and a massive swing to the left after the last election.

Most places there won't accept anything but cash cos they're afraid the banks won't be able to honour card payments due to a lack of capital.

There's a river in Egypt named appropriately for your position...
yep, if we raise the min wage, greece.

that greece talking point really has been worn out worse than your welcome here, short stuff.


Well-Known Member
Captain Retardo keeps replying to my posts despite being on ignore for the better part of a year...

I know this cos it's the only time it shows new posts by Ignored Member.

Funny, cos your wife obviously ignores your member too.


Well-Known Member
Captain Retardo keeps replying to my posts despite being on ignore for the better part of a year...

I know this cos it's the only time it shows new posts by Ignored Member.

Funny, cos your wife obviously ignores your member too.
it's like you think that by not looking at my posts, they somehow don't illustrate the retarded nature of your misguided beliefs.

small children have a better grasp of object permanence than that, dumbass.

they're probably taller than you, too.


Well-Known Member
Lol, by trying to screw rich people youre gonna make them move their money elsewhere.

Please, by all means tho...
U.S. Companies Are Stashing $2.1 Trillion Overseas to Avoid Taxes

Wal-Mart Has $76 Billion in Undisclosed Overseas Tax Havens

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says

Lets not kid ourselves now..


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders has a pretty good idea about how to fund free higher education for anyone who wants it, check it out;

If you remove the financial burden put on students after they leave college, you help everyone, not just the individual. You don't seem to be understanding that point. This helps everyone, our entire society. Those people can then go on and become productive tax paying citizens with higher incomes. Same deal with single payer health care, same thing with quality job training programs.

You haven't really given any counter argument for why any of that would be a bad idea, I'd love to hear it

I've heard that same talking point dozens if not hundreds of times before and you still haven't addressed the fact that millions of people hold more than one job just to get by and pay their bills. So what exactly do you mean "work harder"? Are these people not working hard enough?

Millions of people work one job and live comfortably. Go ask them how they do it. :)