Fox News


Well-Known Member
Must be lots of idiots out here:
We rank 37th in the world, pretty shitty for the worlds richest nation, don't you think? Or do you even bother to think before you post this crap? We rank behind Columbia, Chile, and Costa Rica, think about it, 3rd world countries.
Here we go again with the 37th rank garbage. If you take out homicide and auto/transit fatalities from ALL the countries in the rankings, we rank FIRST. YES, FIRST. I could provide you with endless links to the studies and reports that prove this, but you wouldn't bother to look at them anyways... would you? Unless you're really going to argue that homicide and auto fatalities reflect on the quality of our health care system...REALLY??...CMON REALLY?


Well-Known Member
Here we go again with the 37th rank garbage. If you take out homicide and auto/transit fatalities from ALL the countries in the rankings, we rank FIRST. YES, FIRST. I could provide you with endless links to the studies are reports that prove this, but you wouldn't bother to look at them anyways... would you? Unless you're really going to argue that homicide and auto fatalities reflect on the quality of our health care system...REALLY??...CMON REALLY?
That is the entire medical system report, not death rate or age that people die.

You are arguing one has no merit because of a completely different report being false.

Those aside what about industrialized countries infant mortality rate? We are the among the worst there too.


New Member
Social Security is broke. $$$

Medicare is broke. $$$

The Post Office is broke. $$$

Fannie Mae is broke. $$$

Freddie Mac is broke. $$$

Government spending has us TRILLIONS in debt. $$$$

Hell yeah ... let's turn another 7% of the country's gross national production over to our liege lords in Washington to run!



Well-Known Member
Social Security is broke. $$$

Medicare is broke. $$$

The Post Office is broke. $$$

Fannie Mae is broke. $$$

Freddie Mac is broke. $$$

Government spending has us TRILLIONS in debt. $$$$

Hell yeah ... let's turn another 7% of the country's gross national production over to our liege lords in Washington to run!
If these entities where making huge profits, don't you think that they should cut costs to try to keep it to where it costs americans as little as possible?

What would be the point of a government program if not to keep it as close to nonprofit as possible. Meaning that it is better to come in just below profits and subsidize the difference, than milking the americans that you are trying to help out in the name of Profit.


Well-Known Member
I think you underestimate the amount of unfunded liabilities that just a couple of these amount to. I could look up the exact numbers, but frankly I'm tired right now. I believe Social security alone is upside down to the tune of 55 trillion. That's quite a ways off of non-profit. We cannot keep ignoring history and the failure of societies and programs that time and time again lead to financial disaster.

I think you'll find that most of the people arguing against the current health care bill are completely open to health care reform. Just do it in a way that doesn't involve a public option run by the government. A majority of the country does not want it, they want it kept private with better regulations on price, portability and coverage. And it's not what is in the bill that necessarily scares most of us, it's what it could lead to 5, 10, 20 years from now. Go ahead and propose a bill with a public option, just include iron-clad terms that cannot be altered guaranteeing its dismantling as soon as even the hint of rationing or exploding costs show themselves. If it isn't going to happen, they shouldn't have a problem with those limitations.

And if anyone thinks this debate is heated, just wait until next spring when they try to give every illegal in the country some form of citizenship. The current administration (as well as the last) is dead set on usurping the public majority that has made it clear they want NO citizenship for illegal aliens (yeah I'm still using the term, always will). They've already made it clear they are going to include them in the next census.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with the illegal immigrants stance. I think that we are too worried about things that are different as a country.

I am all for programs/laws always having expiration dates. Eventually everything gets corrupted. Even if it is working force the congress to vote the program back in so that it can be debated.

I think that you are grossly overestimating the mess that is social security.

But that does not mean that it should be kept the way it is. We need to continue to look hard at everything that we spend money on. Social security is 80 years old and has been ripped off by the government several times now. Infact they fucked up with their math for a few years that equated to trillions lost over the time it was in place.


Well-Known Member
Social Security is broke. $$$
Ponzi Scheme

Medicare is broke. $$$
Another Ponzi Scheme

The Post Office is broke. $$$
Mismanaged quasi-public "for profit" corporation.

Fannie Mae is broke. $$$
Corrupted mismanaged quasi-public "for profit" corporation normally headed by former lobbyists, aides, and bureaucratic sycophants.

Kiss the ass of Barney Frank hard enough and you, too might be able to run Fannie Mae.

Freddie Mac is broke. $$$
Corrupted mismanaged quasi-public "for profit" corporation normally headed by former lobbyists, aides, and bureaucratic sycophants.

Don't forget that if you do get to head these corporations you get a government sponsored golden-parachute, courtesy of duped tax-payers.

Government spending has us TRILLIONS in debt. $$$$
Well, I'll try to look at this picture half full...

If the dollar wasn't inflated due to the imbecilic and naive belief in keynesian economics the real debt would be right around half a trillion. Of course, that would be if it wasn't for the imbecilic policy of inflation being pursued by the government...

Hell yeah ... let's turn another 7% of the country's gross national production over to our liege lords in Washington to run!
You forgot Washington D.C., not that I'm as inclined to separate the state from the district any more. Both of them are full of imbeciles, just one makes its living being full of imbeciles, and the other just has to suffer their presence.


New Member
Right on TBT ...

And now the liege lords in Washington D.C., who have eroded the value of the savings of their victims through the hidden tax of inflation, are now coming at us with the takeover of our medical systems. Has anyone given any consideration to the forgotten man in socialized medicine ... the doctor?

Its not about health care ... its about control.



New Member
I never thought i would be the one to say this, but Fox news has been really doing a good job covering health care reform. Their the only media station that has been reporting the truth and real stories about the fight against the government plan to take over your health care. For all those that support health care reform ask yourself this simply question, If the government can't run this country like our founding fathers intended ask yourself why should they be in control of your health.

First 500 Page of the Health Care reform Bill.

Read the full thing.

Dude I tryed to give you a brake with all this BS but you just cant quit?! Man your so far out you realy need to stop the BS and smoke some herb. Man you lost it and youve lost me as a friend or supporter! Now I realy beleve all the trash talk to you and about you ras right! Sorry dude but you really need help. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Right on TBT ...

And now the liege lords in Washington D.C., who have eroded the value of the savings of their victims through the hidden tax of inflation, are now coming at us with the takeover of our medical systems. Has anyone given any consideration to the forgotten man in socialized medicine ... the doctor?

Its not about health care ... its about control.


Are you the one that wrote to Obama saying "Keep Government out of my Medicare"?


New Member
Are you the one that wrote to Obama saying "Keep Government out of my Medicare"?
No. I'm the one who wrote to Obama asking for an explanation as to why I didn't have a choice in 1953 to enter, or not enter, the social security scam when there is no law requiring me to enter it.

I also included a paragraph about how I opted out of Medicare and chose a private insurer that I am very happy with.

Now go suck an egg or two, ya Whippersnapper! :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
No. I'm the one who wrote to Obama asking for an explanation as to why I didn't have a choice in 1953 to enter, or not enter, the social security scam when there is no law requiring me to enter it.

Holy crap, you're 106 years old? You've must have collected over a million bucks being on Social Security that long!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone given any consideration to the forgotten man in socialized medicine ... the doctor?
Most doctors want this to pass. They hate the system now, because it is a mess. The insurance companies are constantly telling them that the drugs or procedures that they want their patients to have are not going to be covered.

And if you talk with them ask them how much easier dealing with Medicaid/care is compared with other insurance companies.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Thats the problem with you buffoons, no sense of humor.

The last time any of these zombies cracked a smile ViRedd was walking to school in 20 feet of snow uphill.
No, I'm high. Got some Blue Jack.

Your joke made me laugh after I got it bro.


Why doesn't anyone bring up Lou Dobb's?
He say's the same thing people on Fox say.

Screw the news, seriously. Watch it as a reference and search for the truth yourself. Never rely on any media for truth imo.


Well-Known Member
Thats the problem with you buffoons, no sense of humor.

The last time any of these zombies cracked a smile ViRedd was walking to school in 20 feet of snow uphill.

Good one.

That's not really fair though you can't say that because rush probably did crack a smile when he was addicted to oxy while raking drug addicts across the coals. I'm sure he was smiling about the irony of it there at some point but we just didn't see it.

Who's the trucker with the mullet and gold eagle pendant? The happy looking fellow? Doesn't look like the type that belongs in this group of photo's.


Well-Known Member
Who's the trucker with the mullet and gold eagle pendant? The happy looking fellow? Doesn't look like the type that belongs in this group of photo's.
I'm by no means a FOX expert, but I think they put those types on late for the 2AM just getting home from Gilleys crowd.