FOX News


Well-Known Member
Really?? They don't have a lot of credibility though do they, I mean they are less trustworthy than CNN and that's saying something. They don't seem to understand the concept of unbiased reportage, there seems to be a right wing slant to a lot of their stories doesn't there? And don't get me started on their coverage of "the war on drugs" sheeesh,,,[/quote]

It depends upon your political perspective. With my conservative perspective, I'd call your vision of Fox News complete bullshit.

Yes, they do present a conservative viewpoint ... along with the liberal side as well. Conversely, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN (with the exception of Glenn Beck), NPR ... all carry the liberal slant with no offsetting conservative side.

Now, I am aware that if one is a left winger who doesn't watch Fox News on a regular basis, that when you DO watch it, viewing both sides of an issue can be quite disconcerting for a liberal. To end your confusion, watch more Fox News. You CAN be healed. :mrgreen:


Very much on point Vi, except not all can be healed.


New Member
It was 24 hours of news and at this time its the best news.
Me thinks you may be delusional. I suppose if you are right of Richard Perle, Fox news would look pretty good, but if you were a regular citizen with all that entails, then Fox is pure bullshit. They throw in some chattel once in a while to confuse the viewer, but they are basically Neo-Con talking points spewers.


Well-Known Member
Me thinks you may be delusional. I suppose if you are right of Richard Perle, Fox news would look pretty good, but if you were a regular citizen with all that entails, then Fox is pure bullshit. They throw in some chattel once in a while to confuse the viewer, but they are basically Neo-Con talking points spewers.

Im the Neo-Sapian in this place all Neo-Sapians Unite

all a Neo-Con is, is a "New" conservative. Meaning "More Liberal" Conservative. Neo-con is just a conservative with a pinch of wuss in him i.e. Liberal, they are conservatives but are for nation building and spending too much money and increasing the albetross of government.

I like the Paleo-Cons myself, like my good friend John Mcain Old-Conservative. If he becomes president you wait and see how much fat this nigga gonna cut outa the albetross. Its going to be Pophetic in stature and people will worship those that decended from him.

Here is part of his Vision of his first term:

After exercising my veto several times in my first year in office, Congress has not sent me an appropriations bill containing earmarks for the last three years. A top to bottom review of every federal bureaucracy has yielded great reductions in government spending by identifying programs that serve no important purpose; and instigating far reaching reforms of procurement and operating policies that have for too long extravagantly wasted money for no better purpose than to increase federal payrolls.

For too long, now, Washington has been consumed by a hyper-partisanship that treats every serious challenge facing us as an opportunity to trade insults; disparage each other's motives; and fight about the next election. For all the problems we face, if you ask Americans what frustrates them most about Washington, they will tell you they don't think we're capable of serving the public interest before our personal and partisan ambitions; that we fight for ourselves and not for them. Americans are sick of it, and they have every right to be. They are sick of the politics of selfishness, stalemate and delay. They despair when every election -- no matter who wins -- always seems to produce four more years of unkept promises and a government that is just a battleground for the next election. Their patience is at an end for politicians who value ambition over principle, and for partisanship that is less a contest of ide as than an uncivil brawl over the spoils of power. They want to change not only the policies and institutions that have failed the American people, but the political culture that produced them.

If I am elected President, I will work with anyone who sincerely wants to get this country moving again. I will listen to any idea that is offered in good faith and intended to help solve our problems, not make them worse. I will seek the counsel of members of Congress from both parties in forming government policy before I ask them to support it. I will ask Democrats to serve in my administration. My administration will set a new standard for transparency and accountability. I will hold weekly press conferences. I will regularly brief the American people on the progress our policies have made and the setbacks we have encountered. When we make errors, I will confess them readily, and explain what we intend to do to correct them. I will ask Congress to grant me the privilege of coming before both houses to take questions, and address criticism, much the same as the Prime Minister of Great Britain appears regularly before the House of Commons.

I'm not interested in partisanship that serves no other purpose than to gain a temporary advantage over our opponents. This mindless, paralyzing rancor must come to an end. We belong to different parties, not different countries. We are rivals for the same power. But we are also compatriots. We are fellow Americans, and that shared distinction means more to me than any other association. I intend to prove myself worthy of the office; of our country; and of your respect. I won't judge myself by how many elections I've won. I won't spend one hour of my presidency worrying more about my re-election than keeping my promises to the American people. There is a time to campaign, and a time to govern. If I'm elected President, the era of the permanent campaign will end. The era of problem solving will begin. I promise you, from the day I am sworn into office until the last hour of my presidency, I will work with anyone, of either party, to make this country safe, prosperous and proud. And I won't care who gets the credit.
Thank you.

somtimes if you listen before you judge, you may see somthing you might have missed
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Well-Known Member
Me thinks you may be delusional. I suppose if you are right of Richard Perle, Fox news would look pretty good, but if you were a regular citizen with all that entails, then Fox is pure bullshit. They throw in some chattel once in a while to confuse the viewer, but they are basically Neo-Con talking points spewers.
So you watch it all the time?


New Member
So you watch it all the time?
No....... I have before but it was pissing me off too much, couldn't stand the outright lies and brainwash. I watch most everything but Fox, read the newspaper and converse with my Gym-mates. I don't presume to be that learned in politics, but I can spot a lie a mile away. Every once in a while I'll tune in to see what I'm missing, then be glad I'm missing it. Like I said, they throw in some chattel, like when the Iraq war should have been page one they ran Natalie Holloway 24-7 nonstop and that kind of chattel.


Well-Known Member
No....... I have before but it was pissing me off too much, couldn't stand the outright lies and brainwash. I watch most everything but Fox, read the newspaper and converse with my Gym-mates. I don't presume to be that learned in politics, but I can spot a lie a mile away. Every once in a while I'll tune in to see what I'm missing, then be glad I'm missing it. Like I said, they throw in some chattel, like when the Iraq war should have been page one they ran Natalie Holloway 24-7 nonstop and that kind of chattel.
hey medi, what heratige are you from, white, black, asian, native american?


New Member
hey medi, what heratige are you from, white, black, asian, native american?
Heinz 57. Mostly white bread though, White and Native American, I thought we were supposed to be colorblind on this forum. I've tried to be. I don't believe race has that much to do with politics but politics certainly discriminates based on race.


Well-Known Member
No....... I have before but it was pissing me off too much, couldn't stand the outright lies and brainwash. I watch most everything but Fox, read the newspaper and converse with my Gym-mates. I don't presume to be that learned in politics, but I can spot a lie a mile away. Every once in a while I'll tune in to see what I'm missing, then be glad I'm missing it. Like I said, they throw in some chattel, like when the Iraq war should have been page one they ran Natalie Holloway 24-7 nonstop and that kind of chattel.
Yes you do have a point, but do you not see the leaning the other way on the other news?

I would say that you should watch fox always because you can filter out their leaning and you seem to lack that abilty with the others. That way you would see more clearly.


New Member
Yes you do have a point, but do you not see the leaning the other way on the other news?

I would say that you should watch fox always because you can filter out their leaning and you seem to lack that abilty with the others. That way you would see more clearly.
They aren't leaning to the right, they are running full stride, and yes I see leanings on other sources. The one that I love, I'm pretty sure you would hate as we are diametrically opposed on most issues, Kieth Olberman. He's about as far left as the media will allow. I'm still wondering how the big dogs let him have air time.


New Member
Hey, Panda ...

Thanks for posting McCain's speech. Would you provide a link, please? Thanks ..



Well-Known Member
Olberman says some disingenuous shit just like O riley does, they both mislead, but sometimes I think olberman is just acting. I'll say this the left dosen't have a Hannity on every night


Well-Known Member
Hey, Panda ...

Thanks for posting McCain's speech. Would you provide a link, please? Thanks ..


no prob ill do better and post the vid of the speech about the end of his first term as pres.

when you play the vid its like a short comercial for mccain then the actual speech starts so dont think its the wrong link

actually just go here and click "First Term" in the center of the page. the vid is below it.

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

if you wanna know exactly what he wants and plans to do if hes pres watch the vid. hes a good guy,

here is the link for the speech transcript but be careful if from the NY times:
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New Member
no prob ill do better and post the vid of the speech about the end of his first term as pres.

when you play the vid its like a short comercial for mccain then the actual speech starts so dont think its the wrong link

actually just go here and click "First Term" in the center of the page. the vid is below it.

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

if you wanna know exactly what he wants and plans to do if hes pres watch the vid. hes a good guy,

here is the link for the speech transcript but be careful if from the NY times:
He may be a "good Guy" but he's about as far right as one can get and still be on the planet. His presidency (A continuation of the Bush presidency) would finish off this country for good. First order of business, The Draft. Thats the only way he can fight a protracted war in Iran.


Well-Known Member
Fox news does have "some" fair and balanced reports however the underlying (right) messages are easy to detect. For instance, in their love for McCain, they have tried to build up HRC to help BHO lose the primary. It hasn't worked but it was an obvious ploy, to me anyway.


Well-Known Member
Well of course they aren't going to deny they are conservative, Moldy. Just like CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, BCC, aren't going to deny they are liberal. However it is Fox that has the opposing team constantly as guests or regular members on their shows to offer their point of view so you won't get just one side of the story.


Well-Known Member
most networks do not advertise or show minorities man...its common through out the media lol .. but then again look at the stats...its inevitable in a sense