Fox Television v FCC


Well-Known Member
I ain't going to post a shitload of content on this one so go to the links I provide and read it for your self.

But here is the jist of it:

Oral argument were heard by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Fox Television v. Federal Communications Commission.

Fox Television is challenging the FCC's indecency standards and the way it punishes broadcasters for airing shows that contain profanity. The network argues that the government is violating the First Amendment by embarking on a "radical reinterpretation and expansion" of its power to punish broadcasters for indecent speech. Fox Television contends that the FCC sharply changed its standards for profanity, that the standards are vague and make little sense in the face of industry changes. The FCC fined Fox for language used by Cher and Nicole Richie on the live broadcasts of the 2002 and 2003 Billboard Music Awards, respectively.

Language used may offend some viewers.

Media Access Project

Fox Television Stations v. FCC, No. 00-1222


Well-Known Member
More than a little ironic that the network that has the reputation for being anti-liberal is the one fighting for free speech. Cool.


New Member
"Fox Television contends that the FCC sharply changed its standards for profanity, that the standards are vague ..."

And that is exactly the way federal bureucrats like it ... nice and vague. This way, they can prosecute anyone they want for any thing they want. The IRS code is a great example of federal vagueness.



New Member
I read as much of the report as I could stand, and the gist of what I read had nothing to do with controlling language or free speech, rather with Market share. From what I read, Time warner wanted and got more than a 35% share of the market. Fox news is the farthest thing from a news show as can be had on TV. It is the Rupert (Fucking) Murdoch show, with talking points from the white house thrown in for good measure. For Christs sake, Tony (Fucking) Snow, an old Fox Pundit, is now the white house press secretary. It's so fucking obvious that a three year old could see the Bias! I know people that only watch Fox News that believe there were WMDs in Iraq, And Al Queda was involved with Sadam. How fucking pathetic is that. If Rupert (Fucking) Murdoch has more than a 35% market share of TV, We're doomed, as the real news will never get through to the majority. This is the first stage of a takeover of the minds of America and it is one scary scenario. 35% is way too much market share for anyone, and to expand on that is fucking ridiculous. Please someone tell me that was not the conclusion of the article and I was only being paranoid!!! Please post the part where they were discussing language and sensorship,as I missed it! 35+% for one individual, Crazy!!


New Member
Ahhh, yes ... and the jaded mind has no concept of the news monopoly enjoyed by CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, Time, Newsweek, NYT, LAT, on and on and on and on ... not to mention our pubic schools system and our universities ... oh and Hollyweird .... On and on and on and on ...



New Member
Ahhh, yes ... and the jaded mind has no concept of the news monopoly enjoyed by CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, Time, Newsweek, NYT, LAT, on and on and on and on ... not to mention our pubic schools system and our universities ... oh and Hollyweird .... On and on and on and on ...

are you fucking crazy, you actually believe that shit on fox, wow, I thought you had some semblance of intellect, I guess I was totally wrong! And pardon me if I'm a little lame, but isn't Time part of Time Warner. Maybe if you are so scewed as to believe Fox, you have passed into the great void of senility, either that or idiocy. You call me jaded, get a grip. Why do the majority of hollywood people think left when they have enough money to last a thousand lifetimes? Maybe they see a little humanity going down the drain and want to help stop it. Why do they put on Huge charity shows for real causes, like Aids and global hunger? Why are they the ones championing for Darfur, and against genocide. Maybe they are right and you greedy rich pricks are wrong. Continue to watch the Rupert (Fucking) Murdoch show and stew in your tiny world, hating everything that promotes the betterment of humanity! Just go on making the betterment of the few your priority. In my opinion this is an extremely selfish view, one loved by libertarians. Freedom for all, wait, I mean all rich folk!


Well-Known Member
Rupert Murdoch no longer owns a controling interest in Fox Television, The Saudi Royal Family does.


New Member
Rupert Murdoch no longer owns a controling interest in Fox Television, The Saudi Royal Family does.
Well now I feel much better, The people that control Bush and the country finally got their own channel, "Channels", Why is this happening to a "free" society? And don't you think for a minute that it isn't the same crap that spews forth from dickheads like Sean Hannity. It's just that now you know who's really in charge. Hey Vi, you got your princely robes yet and your head scarf, You'll fit right in!


New Member
"Why is this happening to a "free" society?"

In a free society, buyers and sellers can freely exchange goods and services. Television stations are no exceptions. Unlike unfree nations like Mexico, foreign born citizens of other countries can buy property here.



New Member
"Why is this happening to a "free" society?"

In a free society, buyers and sellers can freely exchange goods and services. Television stations are no exceptions. Unlike unfree nations like Mexico, foreign born citizens of other countries can by property here.

And I suppose you think this a good thing. The Rich pricks have all the money so they can own all the media and spew their vile propaganda to all the citizens and brainwash the proletariate into doing their bidding. That is why we supposidly have oversight by the FCC so this takeover of propaganda channels doesn't happen. Obviously they have been bought off. The only free mode of expression left is the internet, and if the rich pricks have their way, they will control that soon. And you are the one that talks freedom, Bullshit!!!


Well-Known Member
are you fucking crazy, you actually believe that shit on fox,

I just do not understand the liberal uproar over Fox. The Dems have every other network working their side of the story. One single network pops up and gets a little popularity, and people who are supposedly for free speech get their panties all in a twist. I'm not saying that I necessarily believe what I might see on Fox; I don't automatically believe anything anything I see on Fox OR the other networks. But damn. I actually LIKE having some diversity in media. Talk radio is overwhelmingly populated by conservative talk shows, but they do have N(ational) P(alestinian) R(adio) and Air(head) America to balance things out, and I think this is a GOOD thing. Fox gets nuttin but love from me!


Well-Known Member
Danky, I hate to break it to you but I have a cousin who just retired as a Master Sergeant from the US Air Force and he will tell you that CNN come a whole lot closer to the truth that Fox News does. You may not like what CNN has to say but at least they aren't putting out pure propaganda.
What my Cousin told me is that 85% of what is put out on Faux News is utter bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Danky, I hate to break it to you but I have a cousin who just retired as a Master Sergeant from the US Air Force and he will tell you that CNN come a whole lot closer to the truth that Fox News does. You may not like what CNN has to say but at least they aren't putting out pure propaganda.
What my Cousin told me is that 85% of what is put out on Faux News is utter bullshit.

That's all well and good, but it completeley misses my point; I wasn't commenting on the accuracy of Fox's reports. I was saying that diversity in media is a good thing, not a bad one.


This is why i dont watch nor give much of a shit about the news.


New Member
are you fucking crazy, you actually believe that shit on fox, wow, I thought you had some semblance of intellect, I guess I was totally wrong! And pardon me if I'm a little lame, but isn't Time part of Time Warner. Maybe if you are so scewed as to believe Fox, you have passed into the great void of senility, either that or idiocy. You call me jaded, get a grip. Why do the majority of hollywood people think left when they have enough money to last a thousand lifetimes? Maybe they see a little humanity going down the drain and want to help stop it. Why do they put on Huge charity shows for real causes, like Aids and global hunger? Why are they the ones championing for Darfur, and against genocide. Maybe they are right and you greedy rich pricks are wrong. Continue to watch the Rupert (Fucking) Murdoch show and stew in your tiny world, hating everything that promotes the betterment of humanity! Just go on making the betterment of the few your priority. In my opinion this is an extremely selfish view, one loved by libertarians. Freedom for all, wait, I mean all rich folk!
All that to say nothing?



New Member
All that to say nothing? How else am I going to learn to type. You have mastered saying nothing with less words, I'm trying to learn to type so I'll be ranting in long paragraphs that say "nothing of substance" just to get you riled, as that gives me pleasure. Maybe I'll post some meaningful things once in a while just to throw you off!


New Member
As I said before, Med ... you give yourself WAY too much credit. You don't "rile" me at all ... you just make me laugh.



Well-Known Member
You guys need to chill out... FOX fills the void for conservative news but there it is not some conspiracy. Fox is also the network of the Simpsons and who wants to marry a midget. Not to mention that Fox is owned by Newscorp which just bought and also owns the New York Post which is not that conservative of a paper. It is all about making money and earning market share (as poster above mentioned).


New Member
FOX fills the void for conservative news but there it is not some conspiracy. Does talking points from the white house count as conspiracy on a "News" program?


Well-Known Member
Medicineman - What are you talking about? The fact that they hired a fox broadcaster at the White House has no bearing at all... it means they are smart and realize they need someone who understands the media.
Have you watched other media outlets/networks recently? They spread lies, propoganda and BS just the same. Anyone who watches any network 'news' and believes they are watching anything other than a tv entertainment program is a moron.