FoxFarm Question


Active Member
I have just started a few girls in 3 gal containers under 600 watt MH/HPS and am going to use Foxfarm for the first time. According to their feeding schedule I should flush a couple of times during this growth. Is that necessary with me using Pro-Mix and having added 1/2 cup of lime to each container? I have heard conflicting reports about it being necessary.

Any advice would be really helpful!!:peace:


Active Member
I always wait to flush till the last 7-10 days of flowering. With foxfarm i started out with 1/3 strength power, then work your way to the full dose. If you really keep an eye on your babies, they will tell you what they need. The need for flushing is to get rid of all the salts and excess nutes that build up in the soil. If you get nute lockout, you will tell from the color of leaves and other obvious signs.


Well-Known Member
other than the flush at the end of your flower period right before harvest, it cant hurt to flush the soil during the life of the plant. salt can build up around your roots over time from nutes and a nice flush would just generally keep the soil cleaner.


Active Member
flushing to much is not good either though, you will get yellow leaves as nutes wont be avaiable as needed.


Well-Known Member
its always good to flush once before you start bloom nutes. just to make sure you get the excess Nitrogen out of the soil. i use foxfarms and the schedule has you feed them some veg nutes like halfway through flowering period.


Well-Known Member
I use a 50/50 Ocean Forest/Happy Frog with 30% perlite in 5gals. F.F is so rich in nitrogen, I don't use veg nutes, just Voodo Juice for root development. I never flush before starting my flowering cycle. The nitrogen in F.F carries itself throughout my grow and only use bloom nutes. When I used to add veg nutes, I'd always burn my girls. I flush aprx 10 days before harvest, and never get any burn anymore. I start my nutes at 1/4, then work my way up to full strength over 3wks. If I "was" to see any nute burn starting to happen, I'd flush and start out feeding at 1/2 strength next time.