Framingham the first town in the state to ban smoking marijuana in public.

the beekeepers

Well-Known Member
Wow. I wish I had such a problem.

Framingham airs marijuana restrictions
Plan would make town 1st in Mass. to ban public use

By Matt Byrne
Globe Correspondent / January 7, 2009

FRAMINGHAM - Officials last night took an initial step toward making Framingham the first town in the state to ban smoking marijuana in public.

The Board of Health detailed at its hearing last night how it wants to add smoking marijuana in restaurants, offices, or other public places to the town's antismoking ordinance, which imposes a fine of $50 for smoking a cigarette or cigar in public.

Backers say the ban would protect people from the harmful effects of THC-laced secondhand smoke, which, according to the measure, could cause severe discomfort and illness to nonsmokers, or aggravate allergies of those exposed to the smoke.

The ban being considered would also fine the owner of the establishment $100 for a first offense and $200 for a second. A third offense would cost $300 and the possible loss of any town-issued permits.

Speaking in opposition was James Pillsbury, who said he was a 39-year marijuana smoker.

"Cannabis smoke is not nearly as lethal as tobacco," Pillsbury said, asserting that carcinogenic additives in cigarettes are the source of the harm of second-hand smoke.

But Nelson Goldin, a board member, responded, "There is no reason to allow marijuana smoke in a restaurant or a place of public meeting."

The health board will hear more from the public during its Jan. 20 meeting, when it is expected to vote on the measure.

The passage of Question 2 in November, which made possession of less than an ounce of marijuana a civil offense punishable by a $100 fine, left open the question of public use of the drug. In response, the state released guidelines suggesting that individual communities deal with the issue.

"We will err on the side of caution, and that's our job," said Goldin, adding that enforcement of the provision is a police issue.

The town's Police Department could not be reached for comment.

Donald J. Wilson, director of the state municipal tobacco control technical assistance program, also attended the meeting and suggested the town add provisions to makes its antismoking ordinance in line with the statewide antismoking law, which has higher penalties

© Copyright 2009 Globe Newspaper Company.


Well-Known Member
They will go after the businesses and "important people" because they think that after enough businesses get fined for pot smokers toking up on or around the business, the city councils all over mass will cry foul and be outraged at pot smokers and then push weed right back out of the culture.


Well-Known Member
its only fair , level playin field is whats needed. just like i have the right to not get shitty cigaret smoke all in my face people dont need my blow backs . . public space is public space u know . . think of when anal sex was illegal , just coz its not dont mean u gotta get ur buttfuck on every street corner.
its shit but the options to either accept it as 1 of the subatances with rules around it or get it stuck back in the reefer madness totally illegal death devils lettuce( i read it on here a while back n pissed right there - just a tad) section again . . after all the hard work uz hav done over there woudlnt want sumthin stupid like a civil suet bringin out all the old scare tactic skeletons.
in scotland, the smoking ban was put into effect years before england , yet those loutish fucks still get 24hour alcohol liecinsing . .
i dont even know where im heading with this agian , sleep deprivation is the best
fact is goverments are pretty gay - they cant catour to every1 but at the same time need to act like they try to.
get jesse ventura on the case! ! i seen him shutdown nuff political prepubecent pricks


Well-Known Member
cant they just open a 'coffee' shop or 2 even? or do the b.y.o.s ( bring ur own smoke) like at emerys place
asssbandits that they are!


Well-Known Member
I agree with this rule. I feel I am entitled to a smoke free environment when I go into a place of business.


New Member
I see it as a win !!!

I can't imagine blazing my weed in a restaurant. I would be more than happy to take it outside if I'm not being arrested for it. I'm used to hiding in my car or something to smoke out anyway.