Franco's Ongoing Grows


Well-Known Member
now we can just squat on francos stoop all day, drinkin 40zz , smokin blunts, throwin dice and shit..
hell yeah!!


Well-Known Member
you know i dont mind the comments... Keep this shit going!... I dont drink ...Its the devils piss. lol...


Well-Known Member
i have a mixed drink in jamaica as the avatar suggest but i just pretend i drink 40zz to be cool, and since i am being honest i hate blunts, and i never gamble hehehe..

look what i made tday,, and yeah it bubbled..
couldnt find that turtle cookie shit and nothing else would do ya know.
so into the ice..bongsmiliehere ya go mmmm.



Well-Known Member
i think i will end up giving her 2 weeks... I think i want to take advantage of the height i have and let them veg longer...hell maybe an extra 2 weeks after that... lol


Well-Known Member
i dont blame you man .i was lookin at one of my mother plants last night thinkin how cool it would be if i vegged all my plants out to full maturity before i flowered em..
deffinately took your advice on topping..bigger plants higher yeild..
you should check out that remo guy.. he has some videos and shit..he pushes advance nutes.. here is the link.. there is alot of bullshit but he pushes long veg times and large plants.. he also pitches that perfect room concept.. with everthing being sealed no intake or outlet vents.. i am really interested in this concept and i think our tents are perfect for it i just have to figure a way to controll temps in an area that small..


Well-Known Member
How's the supercropped plants looking gen? You think they will be ready for flower in the next upcoming days?

Tom :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
oh they would be ready right now... But i dont want those little shoots to just bud small buds ya dig... Im thinkign about letting it go a week maybe 2 .... I think this is day 4 or 5 ?.... They are looking nice as hell.. really bushy... The little shoots havent reached for the sky too much... .Which is good in a way cause i dont want them to just stretch skinny.... Want a new pic or somethin???



Well-Known Member
Lol well a new pic wouldn't hurt nobody :-P I haven't tried supercropping yet but it looks interesting and might be used on one of my future grows. If it turns out good for your grow than it will be my inspiration haha

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Lol well a new pic wouldn't hurt nobody :-P I haven't tried supercropping yet but it looks interesting and might be used on one of my future grows. If it turns out good for your grow than it will be my inspiration haha

Tom :leaf:

Well slowly but surely they are doing what they need to do....

Here are a few quick shots i took for Mr Tom...

..PS wont see a big diference taking picture every 2 I guess...well you tell me!



Well-Known Member
nice harvest man, i got a 4 plant DIY DWC setup going right now, 1 gigabud fem, 3 blueberry. The afghan kush smoke was legendary.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are all looking excellent genfranco! They took the supercropping well i see lol. They are going to be some huge bushy ladies when flowering comes that is for sure, I will be following this for sure man

Tom :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think your extra vegging will pay off for sure man. The bigger the plant, the bigger the buds.

oh they would be ready right now... But i dont want those little shoots to just bud small buds ya dig... Im thinkign about letting it go a week maybe 2 .... I think this is day 4 or 5 ?.... They are looking nice as hell.. really bushy... The little shoots havent reached for the sky too much... .Which is good in a way cause i dont want them to just stretch skinny.... Want a new pic or somethin???
