freakin out man

Alright I'm setting up my light mover right now and I had the door open and light off while I was drilling into the ceiling.
Every time I looked up at the ceiling I thought there was something that wanted to kill me really really close, but when i look down there is nothing there. So after I got pretty creeped out by just staring into a black hallway I started to talk like something was there and was ready to plunge the drill into its head.

Anyways I searched all of the rooms and closets with my trusty drill friend. My house is all clear and it's safe to go out but I still feel like there is something that wants to kill me that appears whenever I'm not looking.

This went to the point where I was too freaked out to look up and finish drilling(I know, I'm so brave). So I came and got high.

It's the only time it's happened in a while so I don't know maybe it's just because I'm quitting until the grow is done so I'm a little bit on edge. Either way man, I don't like that feeling of being watched or like something is in the room with you just waiting for..... something.....

:leaf:So you tell me, is that paranoia or am I just trippin man?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i think you just trippin bro!

my dog sleeps in the house, sometimes when i sleep on the couch and im super asleep, i can feel something or someone staring at me, i wake up and its my dog wanting to wrastle!

chill out, unless you are into witchcraft and that stuff, then be paranoia


Active Member
have you ever seen paranormal activity? yeah its sorta like that your screwed. haha im jk man your prob trippin out or paranoid because your working on your grow room.
i think you just trippin bro!

my dog sleeps in the house, sometimes when i sleep on the couch and im super asleep, i can feel something or someone staring at me, i wake up and its my dog wanting to wrastle!

chill out, unless you are into witchcraft and that stuff, then be paranoia

Yeah dude, I always like having my dogs in the room when I'm awake, it always makes me feel at ease- especially at night.


Well-Known Member
it's called 'shadow people'.

that's what happens when you stay up for a few days straight either on coke or xtasy or any other stimulant...
it's called 'shadow people'.

that's what happens when you stay up for a few days straight either on coke or xtasy or any other stimulant...

man that reminds me of when i did acid. I had this old vaccum in the door way and it had a rug on it and it looked like someone in a cloak when I would walk by it and I still see that shit whenever it's dark and I walk down the stairs. and then when I start to do this I think, well what if there are spirits here man, what if some dead person is actually trying to talk to you or screw with your head. And then I just go to my room pack a bowl and watch some tv to try and forget it even happened haha