Freaking Out......


Hi guys,

Killed my last crop and I really don't want these guys to go the same way.....

IMAG0509.jpgIMAG0510.jpgIMAG0511.jpg Has any one got any ideas why they are yellowing?? To little nutes maybe??
Thanks guys for looking


Well-Known Member
There is no reason to even be feeding plants this size even, as long as you have a good beginning soil...but the things to always watch out for when starting is too much water, and too much nutes


Well-Known Member
maybe too much sould not be giving that little plant any fertilizers...the soil should sustain it for weeks..


Active Member
oh i didnt even see he was using nutes already that is deff the prob hold off a couple more weeks just strait water


I have been using a basic seedling soil from B&Q as I heard it was actually a good soil from start to finish, as for nutes I have just started yesterday at 1/8th full strength as I didn't want to burn them but the yellowing started before I added any nutes to them and I was led to believe that it was because they needed nutes :( As for the lights I am using two Prakasa 90w UFO's and 3 compact fluorescents the UFO's are about 8 inches away from the plants. Hope this helps further :) But if they were starting to yellow before I added the nutes then does that mean the soil was to hot? Should I flush them?

Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time I really appreciate your help guys :)


Active Member
Then possible light bleaching, Have no personal experience with leds, so take this with a grain of salt, but most led growers keep those fuckers high from seedlings. then gradually drop, 8in seems low.


Oh shit! So Take them up a bit, crap again was told that they can be put quite close..... will go n raise them now :)


Active Member
yeah man, if you notice node growth becoming undesirably long, repot in something tall and bury her where you want it. They have to get used to the light intensity, and even if those 90W ufos are only true 60w output, 120 true watts of led seems like a shit ton of light intensity for the little chica at that height. I'm hoping someone chimes in if i'm wrong, but if not, definitely check in a few days and if new growth isn't yellowing, your problem should be fixed. Try not to feed until you see a slight yellowing in the bottom leaf sets, like from the tip in changing a pale green, that will be the time to hit them with 1/8-1/4 str. :bigjoint:


Ok I have put the lights up nice and high now, but should I flush them as well just to be on the safe side in case it is nute burn? They have not been stretching for the light that's for sure they have been growing very dense and short lol poor little buggers hope I haven't fried them too bad....

Thanks again for your help :)


Active Member
i'm sure there is a thread for led in roll it up i would look on that wotnot .... i hope you get this sorted.... over feeding/nutes wae seedlings is probably the biggest killer i've seen wae folk growing the weed....


Active Member
Nutes allready? Well my friend if you are offering a Nutrient squeduale to plants that small, This is the problem If you did it with the last ones, like wise. Nutes in some form or another are important in pot farming, however, You must when, why,and of course what. Many growers you read about on this former use a wide range of nutrients. None or very few of them where intended for the sole purpase of growing pot! The Growers who become familliar, after alot of trial and error with these specialty fertalizers do quite welll with them, new growers "not so much". Hear is some sound advice for a newbie. stop feeding it it's too sone for that and now guaranteed it has enough nutes to last it awhile. Also next time around explore simple soil mixes, add a little extra perolite for extra drainage. After the plant is a foot tall fill a 3 gall nursury pot 1/2 full mix the extra perolite to this with a cup of guano and a cup of worm castings place your plant and fill in the sides around the small plant with just soil mix when full give it a little shake to "settle" the soil. fill in the diffrence, water liberally, but not overwater plave under light and let veg on a 24hr light. Try that and see if you don't end up with a much much happier face. When bloom arrives make a cold brew tea with guano and black sea kelp, un sulfered molassas, give this first week third week and sweek seven on a 9 week bloom.


Active Member
There is your issue as well. add perolite. You don't want your plant to retain too much moisture for to long of a time, it causes root damage, fungus. A good indication of over watering is the very tips of the leafs will yellow first, followed by necrosis in the center areas. Just stick to the very basic outline I left for you. This will work very well. If you decide to learn all about advanced nutes, you have time. First learn to recognize what your meds need, and how to deliver it to them. This is the only way iI grow anymore, I've given up for good chem nutes. Have a look at picture albums, plenty of good results there!!!!