Free Amino Acid Foliar spray and Fungicide!


Active Member
[h=2]Milk Builds Strong Plants![/h]"Surprisingly enough, household milk is an effective fungicide. A study by scientist Wagner Bettiol showed that diluted milk, applied regularly, greatly decreases mildew and mold in plants by up to 90%, which is competitive when compared to synthetic fungicides. The milk also acts as a foliar fertilizer providing salts and amino acids that essentially boost the plant’s immune system.
To prepare try diluting your milk by adding 1 part milk to 9 parts water. Apparently skim milk works best for this. Put the diluted milk in a spray bottle and apply to your plants once a week."

Skim milk is Fat-Free milk!


Well-Known Member
I have heard this many times over in vegetable and flower gardens, but evetytime It's mentioned in a cannabis forum, ppl shoot it down just like you are doing.
I have heard this many times over in vegetable and flower gardens, but evetytime It's mentioned in a cannabis forum, ppl shoot it down just like you are doing.
ill try it... I did the electrical earth grounding of my plants and must say my plants seem less stressed and healthy. Alots of people shot that idea down until someone made a system that is making someone rich... We must try new thing to achieve maximum productivity from our gardens. We arent born knowing everything and if you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, why not try it?


They do recommend washing the leaves of "Rubber plants" with milk, so there could be something to it.