Free Grow Software!


Well-Known Member
anybody else having any problembs using this after i get it downloaded successfully when i click to to use it i get a password prompt but have set no password for it? anybody else have this prob and figure out whats wrong... ive tied to dl and unistall multiple times any help would awsome

I am having a similar problem, only I have a password set. When I type my password in, the window with the prompt disappears for a split second then comes back. No matter what I do (enter password, press enter, etc.) it always does this and will not let me log back in. Any suggestions Dev?

Thanks for the killer app


Well-Known Member
Cool beans Dude!!

now I can start saving more trees and take my laptop in the grow corner. Hmmm Guess I need to put another Cat6 cable up there! :D I love DIY work!!! fuck the establishment Opensource and DIY!!! Oh and GIY!!! Grow it Yourself!

Gonna work with it. I'll come back and pay yo in +R if it fits the bill! :D



Active Member
What about and "upload to webserver" option, either your own webserver or you could host it in a passsworded bit for a small fee, then you get a small amout of profit or people can get their own domain... the really clever (note geeky) could host their own webserver.

This would also solve the phone issue as pretty much all smartphones have a browser and you don't need to worry about the platform (iphone, android, blackberry...etc.)
We do have thoughts about allowing for the publishing of grow details in some fashion. Perhaps we could configure a Grow Journal thread in the application and then create a button that would output a highly detailed consistently formatted grow report. The other option we have considered is outputting to webpage. I think we'll start to look at these types of things once the base functionality is solid.


Active Member
I am having a similar problem, only I have a password set. When I type my password in, the window with the prompt disappears for a split second then comes back. No matter what I do (enter password, press enter, etc.) it always does this and will not let me log back in. Any suggestions Dev?

Thanks for the killer app
There was (maybe is? :) ) a bug that if the program exited a certain way, it would re-encrypt w/o a password. I'm not exactly sure how to reproduce the problem just yet, but I think Lx was working on it. But if you tried just hitting enter w/o a password, I'm not sure what the issue could be.

Going forward, I would recommend backing up the file very regularly and not overwriting the backups for a few days/weeks. I automatically back-up my data file once a week. I usually open Herb.IQ daily and if there were a problem at some point, I could grab a backup from the last day where I didn't have an issue.


Active Member
Cool beans Dude!!

now I can start saving more trees and take my laptop in the grow corner. Hmmm Guess I need to put another Cat6 cable up there! :D I love DIY work!!! fuck the establishment Opensource and DIY!!! Oh and GIY!!! Grow it Yourself!

Gonna work with it. I'll come back and pay yo in +R if it fits the bill! :D

Your laptop doesn't have wireless? :)


Active Member
havn't read through the whole thread yet.. but no mac??? The idea for an iphone/ipod app is brilliant, my g1 has something like it but you have to pay... if you come up with a mac version im in.
We're open to any Mac developers who might want to join the project :). So far everyone has happened to be Windows knowedgable. Spread the word, I'd love to have a Mac port. If that doesn't happen, I know Lx has plans or hopes to move to a technology that's not dependent on Windows.


Active Member
Yes I was you a week ago. This program is very interesting. Its for the more advanced grower though and the more advanced person in general I think.. Its a great program and will help me a lot for my first grow though!
Glad you like it. We are trying to allow for all levels of "dedication" by not requiring many values. Hopefully folks can start out with the basics and then enter more data as they desire.


Well-Known Member
There was (maybe is? :) ) a bug that if the program exited a certain way, it would re-encrypt w/o a password. I'm not exactly sure how to reproduce the problem just yet, but I think Lx was working on it. But if you tried just hitting enter w/o a password, I'm not sure what the issue could be.

Going forward, I would recommend backing up the file very regularly and not overwriting the backups for a few days/weeks. I automatically back-up my data file once a week. I usually open Herb.IQ daily and if there were a problem at some point, I could grab a backup from the last day where I didn't have an issue.
Welp, apparently a reboot is all it took. You are right, it reset to where there was no password. But the first time I read your thread i tried just hitting enter an nothing. After rebooting it worked like a charm!! I just downloaded a free backup utility called EZ Backitup for my pictures, I will definitely add my data file to the list! Thanks!



Active Member
Welp, apparently a reboot is all it took. You are right, it reset to where there was no password. But the first time I read your thread i tried just hitting enter an nothing. After rebooting it worked like a charm!! I just downloaded a free backup utility called EZ Backitup for my pictures, I will definitely add my data file to the list! Thanks!

Cool, glad it worked out!
Tried you app and it looks like a good start. Definitely a good idea so I give you props!! However there are lots of missing things. My biggest complaint being the scientist that i am is that there is no chart generating ability and ways to compare different stats like ph to yield or tds to yield or light output to yield etc. If it had that capability it would rock!!


Haven't actually used the program so sorry if this feature is in it, but I'd guess it'd be easier to export all the data to a .csv or some other text file and make the graph yourself than to have the program generate it. That way you can utilize full-featured charts, as opposed to one type in the program which some might also consider limited, useless, etc.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I'm glad you're all able to make use of the program. Reporting is definitely going to be one of the first features we plan to implement, I think we have a few more versions to get through first so the core functionality of the program is solid. In 0.3 I implemented a new "catch any crash" function that encrypts your data before the program crashes so your data remains protected. In testing it worked as expected, there is a crash button on the options tab to test this. I am away from home until the end of the week but will take a look when I return to double check this.


Well-Known Member
My anti virus software Norton rates this as a high threat. Should I be concerned?
If you downloaded it from sourceforge or codeplex then you should be fine. If you want to be 100% sure you can compile it from source, but that's really not neccessary. I'd be interested in seeing a screenshot as to what it thinks is a high threat if you could post it for me.


Active Member
Usually I think it's like ctrl-printscreen and then you can paste it into paint. Screenshot or exact text is what we'd need.


I'm going to check this out.

Also I always thought it would be nice to know how many hours are on a bulb since it was replaced.
I write down on my bulb box's the amount of hours on them when I switch so I don't lose track
on when I should switch. I don't know if anyone else could see this as helpful but it's a thought.
Wow what a way to frig a crop.. great seed thnx