Free Grow Videos

hello im new at growing and i planted my first plant outside but then i didint pay attention to it...something sprouted but idk ifit is my white widow soo maybe you guys can help me by sending me pics of your white widow plants because i want to know if that thing that sprouted is mine..ty here is my email adresss


ah stoned free, the worst grow video ever made. the guy sounds like he gets really terse with himself and shoves ponderosa up his ass, all the while over generalizing and talking out his ass. its from 97 i think it should be in the historical section of the pot library, not the reference section. im just saying there are many false hoods and generalities in the video even if u want to argue it introduces the basics well alot of people get confused real easily and take some burned out hippy from 1997's word over tried and true methods. just my 2 cents, not that its worth anything


Active Member
i agree with boelcke that shit is ancient history as far as growing pot is concerned the technology changes every 6 months, that guy sounds like a character from family guy


Well-Known Member
I can't watch it for some reason i get a error and realplayer is my default player. Is there something wrong with the video or is there something i have to do to the program that i don't know of?


Active Member
thx guys.This information help us a lot here.I will spend my time to learn it thx again for share the great information here

Jay Tea In

This video was posted in the hydroponic section but I think it is something all newbies should watch. This guy is a little off on a few things and I dont agree with everything he does but its a very good and funny video to watch. He does a pretty good job on explaining the basics.-Widow

i cant watch the video it says i need real player or sumthin
great thread!! i like the fact that mr. greens vid simplified the construcion of hydro setup. especially nice for a newb like myself. im actually going to start my first indoor hydroponic garden and i really need all the info i can get! so, does anyone know of any vids or diagrams on building your own bubble and aeroponic setup? im sure there are links on here but im new to the internet forum thing. thaks for the help!
lol nevermind!!!

i found soooo much stuff im embarrassed i posted that...

to my fellow newbs, search the froums b4 you ask, chances are someone already answered your question a couple times
I liked the "Mr Green" vid, it had some good ideas in it, even if Mr Green made some mistakes like with the pH-test of his water...

it is a need looking video, and the basic idea of a 2step system was new to me since i used to be totally outdoor... by the way, the guy must be one of the best customers of Canadian tire, 90% of his stuff looked like right out of the catalog:D
What do you mean by making mistakes with the ph test of his water? What did he do wrong? Cause I personally love this guy... Ive based my entire grow off of his idea, before i even found this site. You can check out my grow here

Its going quite well so far, but i would love to hear everyones opinions on his mistakes.


hey dude, im having a problem with my white widow babies. they are in their second week of flowering. the leaves have tuned yellow, even white, startn from the shade leaves then to all of them. there are no deficiantcies or nutrient build up. im thinking along the lines of over watering and the rockwool not getting enough time to dry out at all and the roots are getting no oxygen at all. i would really appreciate you expert opinion and maybe some ideas for me to fix my babies up b4 its too late. thanks a heap