Free Mass H1N1 Vaccination Clinic(s)!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, So here in San Diego we are having a series of Free mass vaccination clinics for H1N1 swine Qualcom Stadium...

Yea...if your poor and you like this stuff...good for you:)

I googled "Free mass vaccination" and got lots of hits from many locations having the same thing...well from not having enough, to the swine flu #'s giving the stuff away for free (It was $20 mid Dec for the kiddies at school...nasal LAIV) of the google hits was for a picture off photobucket of a Mass vaccination DRILL!!!!!!! where they were giving out FREE seasonal shots, but for practice for MASS VACCINATIONS!!!!

So...I added "drill" to the end of my original "Free mass vaccination drill" and lots of hits again...with these "mass" H1N1 vaccinations being "used" as a "mass vaccination drill"!!!!

Hmm...just sounded fishy...if this is not the "mass vaccination" what are we practicing for?



Well-Known Member
Natrone you can have my dose...I figured you would be pissed about who was paying for this socialism

And I heard it on the evening gnuez...the internet just showed how wide spread this was

If you do not think that mass vaccination drills are cause for awareness, or will think they will protect us from Terror then just mosey along...there is a nice patch of grass to graze on on your way out!
